Chapter 17 Story

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"Hey babe I know it's hard" said Hayley "I'm sorry"

"He doesn't even remember me, my little twin doesn't remember me out of everyone it's me he doesn't remember" explained Aiden

"Your Auntie is looking for you Aiden" said Hayley

"They can carry on looking for me I'm not going home" explained Aiden

"Aiden you can't run away" said Hayley

"You can come with me babe" said Aiden "we can settle down together and maybe when we are older we can have kids of our own"

"I like that Aiden I do" said Hayley "But I can't leave my family"

"You can visit them still" said Aiden

"I'm sorry Aiden I can't" replied Hayley "What's going on?"

"I'm always there for me brother when he is hurt but I always help him" explained Aiden "I can't help him now even though I'm the oldest"

"What are you going on about Aiden?" asked Hayley

Aiden began to tell his story

"Well after me parents died and Ethan was heartbroken and wouldn't come out of his room" said Aiden "me being the oldest knocked on the door we share a room"

"Ethan come out" shouted Aiden

"No" cried Ethan

"I left him in his bedroom" explained Aiden

"He still not coming out" said Caitlin

"No" Answered Aiden

"We moved school because we got bullied for not having any parents" said Aiden "Ethan went school but walked out when parents evening came I chased after him"

"Twin" yelled Aiden

"I can't do it Aiden" cried Ethan "we don't have parents and I'm dying inside"

"I know mum saved me" said Aiden

"We hugged my Uncle had a go at me for leaving class" said Aiden

"You left class" shouted Larry

"I ran after my twin who was upset" Aiden shouted

"My Uncle hit me" replied Aiden "I was weak"

"I always look after my twin" said Aiden "you know being the oldest it's your responsibility to look after your little siblings and I'm the oldest"

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