Chapter 24 Practice makes perfect

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They fought their robots as Aiden look over at Hayley fighting her robot when his robot bit him on the arm and then flung him across the room bashing into the wall distracting Hayley

"AIDEN" screamed Hayley

Without realising Hayley's robot trapped her in a water bubble as Aiden got back up and ran over seeing her face go blue, he began to fight Hayley's robot along with his as Felicity turned Hayley's robot off and then freed her from her bubble. Felicity took Hayley to the side of the room as Aiden carried on fighting his robot. Ellen however, kept going invisible when her robot hit her around the head knocking her out

"Ellen" shouted Aiden

Iris turned Ellen's robot off and went over to pick Ellen up carrying her to the side of the room. Aiden's arm got broke as he screamed in pain but this never stopped him fighting. Although, Aiden is hurt Ashton luck is not happening because the robot stole all of his luck, the robot was about to hurt Ashton when Aiden jumped in the way and blocked the robot getting punched to the face as Felicity turned Ashton's robot off as he went to the side of the room

"What happened to your luck Ash?" asked Scott

"I don't know" replied Ashton

Suddenly, Scott's robot shoulder barged him as he fell to the floor when his leg cracked as he screamed out in pain, he tried to stand up but he couldn't so Iris turned off his robot and went over to help Scott up and walk over to the other side where Hayley, Ellen and Ashton are

"Jesus those Robots are stronger than us" said Ashton

"I know" said Scott

"Ross and Aiden is doing fine" said Ellen

Chanell began to heal Scott's leg

Ellen spoke to soon Ross's Robot came up behind him and blew him into a hurricane as he kept on swirling around the room, his breathing became heavier as his face turned purple. Aiden tried to help Ross only to be swept into the hurricane himself so Felicity turned his Robot of making Ross and Aiden fall to the floor when Aiden's robot came running towards them but Aiden's reflexes held the robot long enough for Felicity to help Ross. Aiden was broken all over

"We were relying on you mate" said Scott

"Sorry the robot is stronger" replied Ross

They watch Aiden leap into the air but never came back down as they saw the robot scanning the room for Aiden, out of the blue Aiden landed on top of the robot using his werewolf teeth to bite the robot as the robot tried to fight him of but Aiden clung on so tight and kept biting until he reached the wires. The robot stopped working and flung Aiden of him

"Yes" they cheered

"How did you do it babe?" Hayley asked

"Klaus taught me he told me we can leap into the air and sneak behind them so they won't know that you are coming" explained Aiden

"Can you teach us?" asked Scott

"Yeah" said Aiden "Hayley you got distracted by me getting hurt and you need to learn how to make a water bubble"

"Okay" said Aiden

"Ashton the robot stole your luck you need to learn how to steal luck and give it back" explained Aiden

"Cool" said Ashton

"Ellen you need to learn how to stay invisible but creep up on people without making any noise at all" said Aiden "Scott you need to be power and control it not let the power control you and Ross all you need to do is learn how to make tornadoes and hurricanes"

"I can do that" said Ross

"Let's practice" said Aiden

"Ross swirl your finger start of slow and then get faster" said Aiden

Ross began to swirl his finger until he got faster and faster as the others stared in shock. The hurricane began to transform around the room picking Aiden up in the process as it began to spin faster than a bus moving

"Good Ross stop the hurricane" said Shay

"I don't know how" replied Ross

"Think Ross" shouted Brogan "you trapped Aiden in your hurricane"

Ross stopped the hurricane as Aiden dropped to the floor. Hayley ran over and helped him up as they kissed

"Okay Ash steal my luck" said Aiden

Ashton stole Aiden's luck when his knees gave making him fall but before he fell Scott caught him

"My luck is gone" said Aiden "my leg is broken remember I wouldn't even be able to stand if it wasn't my luck of becoming a Hybrid, Ash give me my luck back"

Ashton investigated Aiden's empty luck as he thought about giving Aiden all of his luck back when Aiden felt a tingling sensation because all of his luck came flooding back into him as he stood up

"Scott use all of your super strength and try to hurt me okay" replied Aiden

"Fine" said Scott

Scott kicked his feet like a bull as he ran at Aiden knocking him over breaking

"Well done" said Aiden "I'm fine"

"Scott knock over the wall" said Brogan "I can fix it again"

Scott ran straight at the wall knocking it down when Brogan began to fix the wall with his powers. Once he was done he made sure the wall was stable

"Ellen I need you to creep up on Hayley while invisible" said Aiden

Ellen went invisible and creeped up on Hayley without her realising and then scared the wits out of her making her scream

"Well done guys this is how we are going to be fighting the bad guys but as a team" explained Aiden "teamwork is important"

"Yeah" they said

"Hay your turn" said Aiden "trap me inside of you water bubble I be fine"

Chanell handed over a bucket of water as Hayley summoned the water creating a big bubble as she trapped Aiden inside

"Nice" said Shay

Hayley let the water go when Aiden dropped to his feet

"Do you think we are ready?" asked Ashton

Everyone looked at Aiden

"Yeah you are ready" replied Aiden

"Good very good" said Ross in a Mexican accent

Aiden's phone ran

"Auntie I been staying at my girlfriends house" said Aiden "I just can't come home knowing that Ethan is not there"

Aiden ended the call

"That was awkward" said Brogan

"I'm going out" said Shay "to get some fresh air"

"Okay babe" said Chanell

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