Chapter 23 fixing the hideout

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"So what did she say?" asked Thor

"She told me she will tell them when the time is ready" answered Cindy

"What does that mean?" asked Hayley

"It means she can attack today, tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year" replied Aiden "she can attack whenever"

"What are we going to do?" asked Captain America

"You are the Captain" replied Tony

"First things first we are setting up new security in here" explained Aiden "because this security that you already got is shit"

Aiden walked towards a desk

"Gideon alert us when Amara will attack" commanded Aiden

"Yes master Aiden" answered Gideon

"Master Aiden" questioned Sara

"Yes he is a Hybrid" answered Gideon

"Okay I'm taking over being the leader until after Amara is defeated" explained Aiden "and I don't take no shit from anyone"

"No you are not" yelled Captain America

"Yes he is" said Thor

"No" said Captain America

"Look this is my fight I was the one who freed Amara's followers it's me who must put them back into that gem not any of you" said Aiden

"Fine" mumbled Captain America

"Are you going to train us?" asked Scott

"Of course I'm going to train my pack" said Aiden

"Let's follow our leader" said Ellen

"See you later Phoebe" said Scott

"Bye Scott" said Phoebe

"Karla think about a kitchen" said Aiden

A kitchen popped out of thin air when Brogan mended the broken roof as Aiden respects him

"Need a hand with training Aiden?" asked Brogan

"Sure" said Aiden

"Us too" shouted Chanell and Shay

"The more the merrier" replied Aiden

They walked into the training room to see Felicity and Iris already standing there waiting for them

"Alright Scott vs Aiden" said Shay

"Ellen vs Ross" said Chanell

"Ashton vs Hayley" said Brogan

"You will win babe" said Aiden

Aiden gave Hayley a good luck kiss

"Change of plans these are your robots" explained Felicity six robots walked out "they look exactly like you, you need to try and harm your robots"

"Great guess I'm not beating up Aiden" muttered Scott

Their Robots joined them

"On the count of three" said Iris

"What if we get hurt?" asked Scott "no one can heal except for Aiden"

"We will pull you out before you get hurt" answered Iris

"Wait" said Ross "I need my hat and phone away"

Ross placed his hat and Phone on a table

"You look different without your hat on Ross" said Ellen

"I think he looks the same" said Chanell "he was only hiding his dark brown hair"

"One" counted Felicity "two and three"

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