Chapter 6 stopping Aiden from releasing the bad guys

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"In the ship now" commanded Logan "come on we haven't got all day get on the bloody ship"

They got on the ship and strapped themselves in as Storm took the drivers seat whilst Logan sat besides her

"Storm fly it" shouted Logan

"I'm trying the controls are not working" replied Storm "that little devil he also has witch powers and messed with out ship"

Brogan walked to the front of the ship and used telekinesis to make the ship fly. Finally the ship flew in the air as Storm gives Brogan her seat

"Dude we are in the air bro" said Ashton

"The clouds are so pretty" said Hayley

"Brogan lower the ship I think I spotted Amara's car down there" shouted Chanelle "It's already near the circle"

"Brogue lower the ship" ordered Logan

Brogan landed the ship carefully as everyone got of the ship and ran over to the circle

"Aiden stop she is lying to you" shouted Sam

"Me lie why would I lie to such a strong boy" Amara answered

"Why should I listen to you? everything you tell me is bullshit" yelled Aiden "I'm my own person and I listen to who I want I'm constantly getting lied to"

"Aiden we are telling you the truth we are your team" shouted Scott

"Don't listen to them" slithered Amara "I'm your team"

"The night of our parents died Ethan Auntie came and she told me everything will be alright but everything is not alright" explained Aiden "our parents are dead how can everything be alright"

"Kid don't do it" shouted Logan

"Aiden just stop and think" Ethan yelled

"AIDEN" bellowed Hayley "please"

"Aid" said Ashton "Bro listen"


He used telekinesis to move the superheroes away from him as Amara placed her hand on his shoulder

"Now just pour some of your blood in the circle" explained Amara "do it carefully to much blood could kill you"

"Fine" huff Aiden

Amara carefully slices Aiden's arm as he pours some of his blood inside the circle to free his other team members

"No" shouted Superman

The circle opens as they watch skeleton's hands reach the surface trying to pull themselves up. Hand after hand came popping up

"No" shouted Kitty

"Yes they are free" cheered Amara

"Master" slurred Venom

One by one the bad guys climbed and formed back into their proper human selves as Magneto greeted Amara warmly

"Amara" said Magneto

"Hello followers" greeted Amara "welcome back"

"Am I the co-leader?" asked Shredder

"No I am now listen" ordered Aiden

"As if little boy" said Shredder

"Shall I kill him master?" asked Black Spiderman

"No, he be useful for us in the meantime" replied Amara "he is my new son"

"Kill me I will rip your fucking heads off" growled Aiden his sharp fangs stuck out from his gums

The green goblin wobbled over and shoved Aiden

"Watch it" growled Aiden

"Look boy Amara was only using you and told you, you are the co-leader to free us" explained Reverse Flash

"What?" said Aiden "Is that true Amara?"

Amara looks away as Aiden grabbed hold of her

"ANSWER ME" roared Aiden "IS IT TRUE"

"Yes it is true you had the blood to open the circle and free my followers" explained Amara

"You were using me" mumbled Aiden "but why?"

"For fun you can't fight me my blood is inside of you now, not even Chanell's dad could fight me" answered Amara "but you are also my son now Aiden"

"Just leave me alone" roared Aiden

He ran off

"Aiden I'm so sorry" apologised Amara

"Aiden" yelled Ethan "AIDEN"

"Get everyone back onto our ship and take them to our hideout" commanded Stefan "I chase after the boy"

Stefan ran after Aiden

"He was tricked" said Ashton

"Amara is like that" answered Brogan "she Manipulates everyone"

Dean came

"Dude your friend ran that way" said Dean "He looked pissed"

He sees the looks on their face

"What?" asked Dean

"He freed the bad guys Uncle Dean" replied Shay "Now all he needs to do is resist her"

"Can he resist her?" questioned Ethan

"No one could ever resist her once her blood is in their system they are her minion forever" replied Charles

"We haven't seen someone resist Amara before" Cyclops answered

"Dude" muttered Ross

"He is doomed" explained Shay

"Your brother will probably die trying to resist her" said Logan

"My father died trying to fight Amara by resisting her" explained Chanell

They get in the spaceship as Stefan caught up with Aiden only to see Klaus

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