Chapter 8 Boxing match and football match

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The next morning came and Caitlin drove the travellers to the boxing club

"Hey Aiden you came" said Joe

"Yeah am I on last?" asked Aiden

"Yes" replied Joe "we can watch other people box"

They sat and watched everyone else box when Aiden's friends showed up

"Auntie I should go and get ready I am on next" said Aiden

"Okay Honey" replied Caitlin

Aiden went to get ready. It was Aiden's turn to box as he made his way into the boxing wing

"The person in the red corner is Aiden McShane" shouted Ref

Aiden stepped forward as people began to cheer

"The person in the blue corner is Larry Harris" shouted Ref

They began to box as Aiden moved in and out of punches

"Come on Aiden" yelled Johnny

"He is moving faster" said Caitlin

Aiden punched Larry knocking him to the floor as the Ref ran over

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten" counted Ref

The match got called off

"The winner is Aiden McShane" shouted Ref

Aiden jumped in the air as he high fives Joe

"Well done" said Joe

"Thank you" said Aiden

"Nice" said Harvey

"Thank you" said Aiden

"Come on Aiden we got your football match now" said Caitlin

"Coming Auntie" shouted Aiden

Aiden and his friends walked out following his family as they got in the car

"You were brilliant out there bro" said Ashton

"Thanks bro" replied Aiden

"You should quit smoking though Aiden" said Hayley

"Na" said Aiden

They arrived at the football pitch as Aiden ran onto the pitch when he faces Ben

"Aiden you are going down" yelled Ben

"Shut up" said Aiden

"Aiden I'm glad you decided to join back now I need you to leave the team since Oliver can't play because he broke his leg" explained Coach "you got this Aiden

Aiden ran onto the field when the game began he yelled "Andrew pass the ball" Andrew passed the ball to Aiden who scored

"Yes" cheered coach

Aiden took the ball of the opposite team and booted it from mid centre of the of the pitch as everyone stood up when the ball went into the goal

"You are good Aiden" said Zander

The opposite team had the ball as Aiden took it back off them when Ben barged into him flipping Aiden over onto his back as his leg broke, everyone ran over

"Aiden" shouted Hayley

"Help me my leg is broken" whispered Aiden "help me stand up"

Hayley helped Aiden up when Caitlin reached him

"Aiden I heard your leg break" said Caitlin

"That wasn't me" Aiden answered

"I heard it too" replied Ben

"Well you are a liar" shouted Aiden

"Am not I heard it" Ben argued

"Yeah right whatever" said Aiden

"You think I am a liar bring it then" said Ben

"Fine" said Aiden

"Twin don't you came here to play ball not fight" shouted Ethan "You are better than this"

"Penalty to Red team" said Ref "who is taking it"

"Aiden" shouted Layton

Aiden takes the penalty checking where the goalie will go as he takes the shot and scored. His whole team ran over to him and high fived him or hug

"Yo bro you got better" shouted Aron

"Thank you" said Aiden

The ref blows his whistle

"We won" they chanted

The boys headed into their locker room

"Wow I'm speechless Aiden" said Layton "did you take time of to get better at football or something?"

"No" replied Aiden

"Alright team we have got a new team captain and Oliver agreed with this" said Coach "Aiden you are the new team"

Everyone cheered when they began to leave. Only Aiden and Ben were left in the locker room

"I know what you are McShane" said Ben

"What I don't understand" explained Aiden

"You are a Hybrid" replied Ben

"As if" scoffed Aiden

"It happened to my dad" explained Ben "in the end he dumped me in a foster home because he couldn't look after me so I'm fostered"

"Poor you" said Aiden "at least you still have a dad"

"Yeah his name is Klaus" explained Ben

"Uncle Elijah" said Aiden

"Yeah, you seen him?" questioned Ben

"No I just heard of him" replied Aiden

Aiden leaves

"Hey well done" said Hayley "your Auntie left"

"Yeah did the others?" asked Aiden

"Yes" answered Hayley

They walked home as Aiden dropped Hayley off

"Aiden have you ever been in love and the person who you love don't even realise you love them?" asked Hayley

"No" said Aiden "I'm not the type of guy who dates people since my parents died"

"Yeah I understand" said Hayley "I would be the same if that was my parents"

"Hayley you are home" said Lionel "thank you Aiden for walking her home"

"No problem" said Aiden

Aiden returned home

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