February : Part I

Start from the beginning

Lexa sighed, squeezing Clarke's hip gently. "Bye." She grumbled petulantly, sidling over across the room.

"Lexa Woods." Kane beamed.

Lexa cocked a brow. "Good morning, sir."

"You're just the person I wanted to see. Have a seat, Woods, please." He motioned to the chair across from him.

"Sir, if it's about the exams, I already-"

Kane looked befuddled, shaking his head. "Hmm? Oh, no, not at all about that."

Lexa looked quizzical, glancing at the clock. "Class was supposed to start a minute ago, sir." She reminded.

Kane waved his hand nonchalantly. "You're all seniors! No one wants to learn anyway!" He exclaimed cheerfully. "I was actually hoping for your input on...more personal, matters."

Lexa nodded slowly, trying not to look as confused as she felt. She glanced across the room at Clarke, who'd settled into her usual seat, offering Lexa a small smile.

Lexa smiled back, turning her attention to Kane.

"Woods, to put things plainly...I hear you're quite the stud." Kane sighed, as if he were sheepish to ask.

Lexa's eyes widened in horror. This was...awkward to say the least. "I...suppose...." She began unsurely.

Kane waved his hand apologetically. "Not in any inflammatory manner, Lexa. I mean to say...you know how to woo the ladies."

Lexa choked out a cough. "Ah...I suppose?" She began unsurely.

"I need your assistance." Kane began, but the door to the class swung open. In sauntered Luna goddamn Rivers, dressed head to toe in leather, coffee in hand, smirk on her painted lips.

Damn, she looked good.

"And you see, she doesn't really...know how I feel." Kane continued, but Lexa had all but tuned him out at this point, nodding vacantly.

Of course.

Of course Luna sat next to Clarke.

But she wasn't sitting. No, Clarke was standing.

"-And really, what is love, anyway? I mean, are any of us really-" more drivel from Kane.

Clarke was hugging her.

Hugging her.

Lexa felt a familiar flare heat up the pits of her stomach.

"-And to ask her out-" Kane's nonsense needed to be stopped.

"Flowers." Lexa snapped, turning to Kane with a very angry expression.

"I'm...I'm sorry?" Kane coughed, taken aback by Lexa's sudden change in demeanor.

"Be assertive, be suave. Text her, show up on time, dressed crisply. Dress jacket, white to make a statement, single rose, bottle of wine. Vintage. And for the love of god, don't stutter."

Kane blinked, eyes wide. He had his work cut out for him.

"May I leave now?" Lexa pushed, jaw tight.

"Of....of course! Thank you, Woods!"

Lexa didn't even throw him a backwards glance as she went back to confront Luna.

Behind Lexa, there was a distinct shout of, "Study hall, today! Work on whatever you need to! Oh, ...and does anyone know of any good tailors for a dress jacket?"

Luna's hands were sliding down Clarke's sides, having just released her from the hug, when Clarke turned to greet Lexa, forgetting about Luna entirely.

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