Anya grinned. "Bell told me. You wanna know why?"

Lexa stifled a growl. "Yes, let's hear what 'Bell' had to say."

"He thinks you're a total rich, womanizing playboy." Anya smirked. "And he doesn't want you doing, uh..that-" she motioned to the ruffled bed sheets. "-to his girl."

No part of that statement calmed Lexa. She cocked a perfectly sculpted brow. "His girl?" She gritted.

"Well, I mean, as friends." Anya shrugged, checking herself out in Lexa's mirror.

"What about what Clarke wants?" Lexa huffed airily.

"That would be you." Anya clapped Lexa on the shoulder, enjoying Lexa's blinding grin. "Now, let's get breakfast. I'm sure Aden is dying to hear the gossip, and Mom and Dad are both gone to work."

"Alright." Lexa nodded as she slipped her phone into her pocket, quickly cleaning up and following Anya back to the main house, where Aden was trying to hide a smile behind bites of cereal.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Aden ribbed gently.

"Hey kid." Lexa greeted cheerfully, pouring herself a bowl, diverging from her usual diet in favor of carbs. Because after last night's progress, she deserved a reward. "Want to hear all the gossip?"

Aden propped his arm on the kitchen table, looking smug as ever. "Nope."

Lexa glanced up in surprise. "That's new." She remarked in confusion.

"I don't have to ask." Aden clarified, a cheeky grin on his features. "Look what exploded on Raven Reyes' Instagram."

"Toss it." Lexa demanded, eyeing his phone with piqued curiosity. She noted his look of apprehension. "Aden, it's me. I never drop things."

Aden slid his phone to Anya, to be safe, who handed the phone to a rather impatient Lexa.

Lexa's emerald eyes scanned the video post, with the captions: Hottest Kiss 2k16 <3 #Clexa

"Oh my god." Lexa breathed, watching as she suavely transitioned from taking the shot to making out with Clarke, lifting her up. "I'm so smooth." She muttered with a smirk, doubly impressed when she heard a moan from Clarke before the video ended.

Aden rolled his eyes, but was grinning into his cereal. Operation Clexa was nearly complete. Now they just had to seal the deal.

"I kissed Clarke." Lexa cheered, nudging Anya, her tone sing-song. "I made out with Clarke Griffin, and then we kissed under the stars, and then she fell asleep on my- ADEN! Are you recording this?"

Aden leapt behind Anya, who ruffled his hair protectively. "Sorry Lex." She grinned. "That'll teach you not to brag, though."

Both Lexa and Clarke had opted for silence over text, likely too embarrassed to confront one another about the not so incidental incident, leaving the following day a complete mystery.
Clarke was having a rather pleasant dream.

Maybe even a little too pleasant.

In her foggy, sleep-ridden daze, Clarke forgot that she was often one to talk in her sleep, and the first thing she was aware of was a warmth pooling in her stomach and the sensation of her legs pressed against another body.

Assuming the worst, Clarke cracked open a cerulean eye, only to find the warm, brown gaze of Raven Reyes staring back at her.

"So, when exactly did I change my name to Lexa?"

Death would have been too merciful.

Clarke blushed furiously, moving to untangle herself from where she was rather embarrassingly pressed against Raven's thigh.

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