Chapter 19: Treasure

Start from the beginning

"We should get moving." Evie said, Kin nodded his agreement. The trio picked themselves up and began walking, as they went Soul travelled high in the trees dropping the occasional berry for Kin or Evie to eat.

"Heads up!" Soul called from above.

Evie and Kin danced trying to catch the berries as they fell from the sky, they laughed at each other and ate as they walked. The morning air was brisk and there was a chilly breeze, a cold gust of wind blew and Evie shivered.

"You okay?" Kin asked casually.

"Yeah, I just hate the cold." Evie replied as she sneezed.

Kin couldn't help but laugh. "Bless-you."

"Thanks." Evie shivered again and Kin realised, Soul and Evie, they were his partners, but he didn't really know either of them very well, even though one claimed to know his family and he had a crush on the other! Kin shook his head and searched for conversation starters.

"So, Vee, what's your favourite colour?"

"Favourite colour huh? I guess I would have to say... blue."

Soul dropped from the trees and landed beside them. "Blue huh? You mean like the colour of Kin's fur?" She asked innocently. Evie opened her mouth to say something, but Soul cut her off. "Kin, what's your favourite colour?"

"Hm, I like green. Green is nice."

Soul saw her opportunity and took it. "Green, you mean like Evie's eyes, that kind of green?"

"Well, yeah, I guess so. Evie does have nice eyes." Kin said absent-mindedly. Evie blushed at the comment and Soul chuckled inwardly. Kin started whistling a quiet tune, it rang through-out the peaceful forest and the beautiful melody made Pokémon happy.

"Wow Kin, you're pretty good." Soul complemented.

Kin scoffed. "That's nothing, you should hear Evie's singing."

"Evie can sing?!" Soul exclaimed.

Evie huffed. "Why so surprised?"

"You just don't seem like the singing type." Soul tried.

"Oh yeah, it's a shame she doesn't sing more." Kin complained.

"Well Evie, why don't you?"

Evie played dumb at Soul's request. "Why don't I what?" She replied innocently.

"Sing for us."


"Aw, please?"

"No way."

"Just a little?"

"Not happening."

Soul scowled at Evie's obstinance, but the normal-type simply refused. Kin made his eyes big and pouted. "Please Vee?" It took all Evie had to resist the adorable fighting-type that was begging her, but she managed.

"Sorry Kin, maybe some other time."

"Okay, but I'm going to hold you to that." He replied with a grin.

"Sure, whatever."

Kin began whistling again until the trio arrived at another dungeon. This dungeon was an immense forest with no way around.

"There's no way around." Kin said.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." Evie replied sarcastically.

"You're welcome." Kin replied oblivious to Evie's mockery. She rolled her eyes and they entered the dungeon. It was dark and dimly lit, the paths were surrounded by massive trees and it was eerily quiet. They began walking, when a loud cry echoed through the dungeon, a Scyther flew into the room and a slashed at them with its deadly claws. They all jumped out of range and Soul ran in, Scyther struck low with Fury Cutter but the grass-snake jumped over the attack and constricted Scyther using her Wrap attack.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team Eve - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now