Chapter 16

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(Your POV)

I was in the kitchen cooking everyone breakfast. I left Melie with Elizabeth hopping he can be mature enough. 

I then hear a thud from upstairs. 

'I guess Ban had a flashback.'  I thought.

"COME ON YOU LAZY BUMS AND COME AND GET YOUR BREAKFAST!" Hawk yelled upstairs. I chuckled and set up all the plates for everyone. 

I walked outside to give Diane her food. "And one giant meal for one growing girl." Diane chuckled and took the plate out of my hands.

"Thank you, mom." She said teasingly. 

"No problem sweetie." I reply back. I walk back inside to see Ban, Melie and Elizabeth already down stairs. 

"Morn' sleepy heads." I said as I walk back into the kitchen to grab their plates and give it to them. 

"Can I have a drink instead?" Ban asked as I set his plate in front of him. 

"You can eat first then have alcohol." I said sternly. 

"And remind me who cooked this again." Ban said before taking a bite. 

"I did of course. But you don't like it you can starve." I threaten and reached for the plate to take it way. Ban quickly grabbed the plate and put it out of my reach. 

"No no, I gonna eat it. I just wanted to know that's all." He said. 

"That's what I thought." I said as I grabbed mine and Hawk's plates. I set Hawk's plate on the floor while I set mine next to Melie's and sat down with him. 

~Time Skip~

"Alright guys it's time to head to the Necropolis we can start looking for King there." Melie said. I was cleaning up the plates and doing the dishes. 

"Hold up. Didn't you say that fattie was 6 feet under." Ban questioned drinking a bottle of Vanya Ale.

"It's our only lead so I think we should go there and check it out." Melie said. I walked out of the kitchen drying off my hands. I then grabbed the bottle from Ban's hands and corked it. 

"Y/n!?!" Ban exclaimed turning to me.

"Don't 'Y/n!?!' me. The booze it for the customers and we are going to need more if you keep drinking it all." I say sternly. I place the bottle on the shelf where it belonged. 

"The Village of the Dead, it sounds scary." Elizabeth said. 

"It's not that bad. I've been there a few time. It was quite nice." I said, sitting on the counter. 

"When have you been there?" Melie questioned. 

"A long time ago. I went there with my squad on a mission." I told him. 

"We it full of rows and rows of graves and ghost?" Hawk asked fearful.

"Oh yes. It had thousands of rows with graves with millions of ghosts roaming around. In fact the reason why me and my squad went there in the first place was to bury them in the ground." I said scaring them. They began to shake but continued to listen. "When me and my second in command arrived we saw the rows of graves. But there wasn't any room for my squad to be buried so we dug up some graves and put my squad in them. My second in command then destroyed the tombstones and replaced them for my men." 

"But if you listen closely then you can hear the final words of my men. Which all we just...

SCREAMS!!!!" I yelled and jumped of the counter and scared the crap out of them. I then began to laugh hard. 

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