Extras: Part 1

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So, as I've promised, here are the reasons why each an everyone of our children have been thrown in jail. Of course nothing is going to be too serious since our precious beans aren't capable of murder or anything. Except Bakugou. Keep in mind that these are not the greatest ideas and I'm sure you guys could come up with much better reasons. So, here goes.


1. Izuku Midoriya

Reason for imprisonment:

Was not arrested on formal accounts, though he was recruited to join the royal guard in order to keep a closer eye on his activities. Both he and his father, Toshinori, objected against this but eventually gave in to avoid suspicion since the royal guard was considered a high quality jobs that earned a lot of respect from others. Being the adopted son of Toshinori Yagi, he was easily able to work with his father to save captured prisoners that were deemed fit and able to avoid being caught.


2. Hanta Sero

Reason for imprisonment:

Arrested on terms of theft. Hanta was a skilled pick pocket with sticky fingers, able to slip through crowds and snatch whatever he could before making his get away. One day he made an unfortunate mistake and tried to steal from a nobleman, getting caught almost instantly by the man himself. He tried to talk his way out of it but the noble was not willing to listen to him and eventually guards were drawn to the confrontation. Hanta was arrested but not without his ride or die boyfriend, Denki.


3. Denki Kaminari's

Reason for imprisonment:

There isn't really much to say about Kaminari. He was a sidekick to Hanta Sero for the most part, and sticking to the true bro code, he went down with his "friend". He may have accidentally set fire to a small shop as well, but he'd rather not bring that up when having conversations with his friends. Only Sero knows, and that's how it'll stay.


4. Tenya Iida

Reason for imprisonment:

Tenya Iida was arrested due to his compelling nature. When he saw quite unjust treatment of some lower class citizens, he was quick to step in and defend them. This didn't sit well with the law enforcers and they, rather impatiently, told him to leave. Tenya, Being one for following rules, surprising didn't listen and continued to declare that the way they treated the poor was not proper and that they should reconsidered their actions and career paths. Of course, the enforcers were not to pleased with this and were quick to arrest Tenya and the other citizen on the false allegations of, "Working against the King and his supporters".


5. Ochaco Uraraka

Reason for imprisonment:

Did nothing wrong but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was running errands for her mother which happened to be in the direct path of what seemed to be an rally of some sort. Turns out that the King wasn't to happy about rebellious citizens so he sent his guards to clean up the mess. She happened to be mistaken for a protestor and was taken into custody. She only stayed in a cell for two days before Izuku and Toshinori saved her, bringing no notice to the guards nor the King since she didn't do anything of extreme significance.

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