He's not my friend

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    Bakugou jolted awake, his senses flooding back to him in a rush. At first he couldn't quite pinpoint what had woke him but it only took him a few seconds to register the loud knocking at his door.

    With an angry growl, he lazily crawled out of the empty bed and stomped to the door, ready to bury whoever was behind it.

    As he flung the door open, a glare etched into every pore of his face, he was surprised to see Aizawa. Thinking back on it now, he had even forgot about the man when he got off the cart.

    "What do you want old man," Bakugou growled through clenched teeth. He didn't care to keep his tone in check even though he knew it was entirely possible for this man to lay him flat right where he stood.

    "I could care less about what you do." Aizawa's voice was bland, laced with exhaustion and it stayed that way as he continued, "Now, Toshinori wants you to meet the others. Your little friend is already out there. Kid doesn't shut up." Bakugou had to agree with the fact that Kirishima hardly would shut up. When Aizawa mentioned Kirishima as a "friend" he felt like it was essential to object.

    "We're not friends," Bakugou said, wanting to grind his teeth together. They weren't friends no matter what anyone thought. He had to keep telling himself that, there couldn't be anything good to come from getting to close to this red headed, loud mouthed loser. Nothing.

    Aizawa only shrugged and walked off, simply telling him to come to the kitchen when he wanted to stop being a "trouble child".

    Momentarily, Bakugou debated with himself on whether or not he should actually meet these other people. He obviously didn't want anything to do with them. Even as he told himself this though, he still made his way to the kitchen, making sure to run his hands through his hair to make sure he looked like presentable but also like he didn't care. He was trying way too hard.

    He peered into the kitchen once he arrived, wary of the array of different people in the room. Each of them had their backs turned to Bakugou, giving him the perfect opportunity to change his mind and leave. Or at least he'd hoped so.

    As he took a step back, ready to go back to his room and isolate himself from the other people, a board whined against his shift in weight. It was like a comical moment he'd find in skits that people put together in the market square. He'd never blatantly watched one, he didn't have the money anyways, but would sit nearby, pretending to be uninterested as he listened closely to what the performers were saying.

    He grit his teeth and winced at the sound. It seemed like almost every head on the room snapped to him, even Kirishima's, his eyes immediately landing on Bakugou. To Bakugou's disdain, Kirishima grinned at him and gestured for him to come over.

    Figuring it was to late to turn back, he made his way into the kitchen with a huff, avoiding Kirishima and standing next to Midoriya instead. Kirishima seemed to take nothing by it but instead walked over to Bakugou with giant grin. Bakugou wanted so badly to grab the boy and drag him back to where he had stood previously but he didn't want to start a commotion over something so seemingly stupid to the others. Not that he cared what they thought of him, he just didn't want to get them talking.

    Toshinori cleared his throat as Kirishima took his place far to close to Bakugou's shoulder. "So, now that we're all here, why don't some of you guys introduce yourselves." The man sounded like the stereotypical teachers he'd had when he attended school, always acting like they cared about the students well being and happiness when they really cared about what they got in return for throwing a book at a kid and telling them to read.

    Across from Bakugou, a boy with blonde hair blurted out his introduction, "The name's Kaminari." Just by the kids first words, Bakugou knew he wouldn't get along with him, there was no reason in particular but he just knew. Not like he would get along with anyone actually.

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