Stupid what ifs

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    Once again Bakugou paced his cell but this time for a different reason. He had been anticipating the coming of the battle in the arena but he hadn't expected it to be as soon as it was. Not even minutes ago the guards had came and told him ready up. When he heard the news he was momentarily glad that he had been working his muscles the last few days, doing the minimum things he could do in his barren cell. After the momentary relief an unwanted fear settled in.

    He knew he wasn't ready and he wasn't going to tell himself he was. He knew the odds. Bakugou was by all means not a professional fighter and he had never fought to the death. He may act like it but he had never been compelled to actually kill anyone.

    When the guards disappeared he turned from the door with an expression of stone. He could feel Kirishima's eyes boring into the back of his head and he couldn't bring himself to look into the boys liquid red eyes. He knew what he would find there though, worry. Hell, maybe even fear. The boy was to caring for his own good.

    Eventually he did find himself face-to-face with Kirishima.

    "So your going into the arena?" The answer to the question was obvious.

    "Yeah." Kirishima nodded like he was just learning this. Bakugou realised he actually was just learning the news. Well, in a direct way. "I would have mentioned it sooner," Bakugou didn't know what good saying this would do but for some reason he hoped that Kirishima wouldn't be upset.

    Kirishima spoke after a moment, "Do you think you'll be fine?" He looked to Bakugou.

    "To be honest," Bakugou looked to Kirishima, "I'm probably going to die." Kirishima looked away and nodded. It was painfully quiet for an extended period of time and Bakugou wished, hoped, Kirishima would speak up to keep his mind from wandering to the things he didn't want to think about.

    What if he didn't survive this. What if he did? What would happen then? What if he got thrown head first into an endless loop of arena battles that would one day lead to his death no matter what. What if. What if. What if. Bakugou hated those stupid words. It always put thoughts into his mind that never seemed to do him any good.

    An hour later Bakugou heard the sound of a door opening from the far end of the hall, followed by the sound of quick footsteps that most definitely didn't belong to a guard.

    To confirm his suspicions, after a moment of waiting a familiar face came into view, urging him to come closer to the bars of his cell. Without a moment to waste he scrambled up to the Doctor. He had no clue as to why Toshinori was here but he was sure it wasn't so they could waste time.

    The look on Toshinori's face was panicked, as if he were only minutes away from being executed.

    "Bakugou my boy, we must hurry. The guards will be back any moment." He began to pulls keys out of his pocket and searching for the right key with steady hands.

    "Wait, what do you mean?" Toshinori looked to the boy and Bakugou saw fear, so much fear but only one emotion seemed to over power it. Steel determination.

    Toshinori looked away, and shoved a key into the cells lock, causing it to swing open, creaking on its rusty hinges.

    Quickly, Bakugou was herded out of the cell and Toshinori grabbed him by the arm, tugging him in the direction of the exit.

    He was inclined to follow but something made him freeze, earning a confused glance from the Doctor.

    "Give me your keys." Bakugou wasn't asking a question and he held his hands out for them.

    Toshinori was startled, unsure of just what the boy needed them for, "Wha-".

    Before he could finished Bakugou yelled, "Just give me the god damned keys!" Toshinori quickly nodded and tossed the key ring at him which Bakugou swiftly caught. He turned on his heel and moved toward the cell belonging to Kirishima.

    Once the boy saw what Bakugou was doing, he seemed surprised.

    "What are you doing?"

    Bakugou growled, "What does it look like idiot? I'm helping your ass escape." Bakugou fumbled with the keys, unsure of which was the right one, inserting a different key each time one failed to open the cell door.

    Kirishima reached through the cell door and gently pushed Bakugou away, "Get outta here! This your chance to escape!"

    Bakugou glared at the boy before flipping through the keys once again, panic rising within the pit of his stomach.

    Kirishima continued to rattle off, telling Bakugou to leave and that he was running out of time. Finally he'd had enough.

     "Shut the fuck up Kirishima," he yelled as he tried one last key. It went through, and he turned it, letting out a 'whoo' as he swung the door open and grabbed the other boy, pulling him out of the dimly lit cell.

    He turned to Toshinori and nodded, signaling he was ready to get the hell out of there. Toshinori grabbed his arm once again and began to pull him along, though this time Bakugou grabbed hold of Kirishima's hand with a tight grip and made him follow.

    The three of them were out of there within a matter of seconds and Bakugou resisted the urge to kiss the ground he thought he'd never see again. Not that he would've had time to anyway, Toshinori was still guiding him with a quick pace, not even pausing for a moment to look back at the two.

    Bakugou knew that whatever time they wasted would leave all three of them closer to their immediate deaths so Bakugou kept running, for his sake and for the other two as well.

    Bakugou took the time that they spent running to assess the situation that had been brought on him so quickly. He didn't think Toshinori's timing was a coincidence, maybe the doctor found out about the arena? He would have to ask him later when - if - they escaped.

    He glanced back to Kirishima who was keeping up with them very well despite being dragged at whatever pace they willed. The boy was panicked, just like him and Toshinori. It was to be expected. The odd thing though was that his eyes seemed to be trained on Bakugou solely, like he was currently the most interesting thing on the planet. He turned his gaze from him and directed his attention to Toshinori.

    "Where are we going?" Bakugou shouted the question to Toshinori, hoping for a half decent response.

    The answer came back shortly after, "Here!" Toshinori took a sharp left and sent the three of them barreling through a doorway that seemed to open at the sight of them.

    They landed in a heap on the ground, breathing heavily. After a moment Bakugou pushed himself up, taking the time to bother and help Kirishima to his feet. As he did, Bakugou turned to Toshinori, ready to give him hell for thrusting them into this situation with no explanation as to what they where doing. Instead of coming face-to-face with the Doctor though, he was met with a pair of tired, grey eyes.

    Bakugou took a step back and glared at the man. He stood at about 5'9" and had long, messy black hair that was accompanied by a scruff covered face. The man looked as though he hadn't slept in days but looked as mean as a snake.

    Bakugou sighed internally. This is going to be one hell of an escape.

You like? Well I hope you do because it is currently 12 at night and my hands are dying from typing. Anyways, I hope you guys have a lovely day/night and remember to have a day. Also, dogs suck.

Love ya's💜

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