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    Bakugou had to admit, these people could be persistent. For the days to follow his promise to get to know Kirishima better, the boy hovered around Bakugou every chance he was allowed, bubbling with seemingly unlimited energy. This ultimately led to a misunderstanding with the others. After they witnessed Kirishima - and the occasional and rare Midoriya, he was always hanging around with that half and half moron Todoroki - hanging around with Bakugou, he began to get unwanted visitors.

    The kid called Kaminari seemed to take a liking to both Kirishima and Bakugou, and would frequently pay visits to their room throughout the days. Normally the encounters consisted of Kaminari popping in, blabbering on and on about something Bakugou rarely was interested in whilst sitting on Kirishima's newly acquired bed, and just being a nuisance in general.

    Kirishima didn't seem to mind the boys presence though. Bakugou could never understand how Kirishima had a neverending reserve of kindness.

   Kaminari also visited with others in tow, much to Bakugou's objection. It was often the boy named Sero but occasionally a girl that hadn't been at the initial greeting would pop in.

    He figured out through Kirishima that her name was Mina. Bakugou found her interesting in a way. Not worth his time, but interesting none the less. She had pinkish skin, seeming like she had a forever present blush on her cheeks that was accompanied by the craziest coloured hair Bakugou had ever seen.

    While Bakugou didn't talk to them much, he found he had to ask this girl how the hell how she's managed to obtain pink hair.

    "Dye! It doesn't take much to change hair colour actually, as long as you have the right stuff," she had said cheerfully, like pink hair was an everyday sighting. She'd went on to explain how she got the colour, both Sero and Kaminari chiming in with their own inputs throughout the explanation. The thought of completely changing one's hair colour perplexed Bakugou enough to coax him into listening to the rest of the conversation. While he didn't drop his ever present angry expression, the other seemed pleased to have caught his attention.

    Bakugou stayed tuned into the conversation long enough to learn that Kirishima himself had dyed hair. It surprised Bakugou but the longer he looked at the boys hair, the more he realised that it was way too red to be considered natural. It was pure red for God's sake. At first Bakugou was a bit embarrassed, though he'd never admit it out loud, that he hadn't noticed. He couldn't quite blame himself though, having grown up on the streets, learning about hair dye wasn't exactly high on his list of priorities.

    Eventually that conversation came to an end and the others left to their own rooms. Both Kirishima and Bakugou talked for a short while before Bakugou broke off, hoping to get a bit of peaceful sleep.

    That brought them to the next day and, consequently, the present.

    Bakugou sat with Kirishima and Kaminari to his left of him and with Sero to his right. The four of them sat snugly on a spacious outdoor bench. So, in other words, Bakugou was wedged between a bunch of dudes who couldn't shut up to save their lives. Just great.

    There were others outside as well, some sitting among what Bakugou assumed to be their close friends. Midoriya with four eyes, the round faced girl, Tsuyu, and the Canadian flag that went by the name Todoroki. Shoji sat with some emo kid Bakugou had yet to meet and there were a few others Bakugou had no recollection of meeting sitting around too. Just the amount of people made Bakugou question just how many people actually lived in this house.

    Not far from the four of the boys sat Toshinori and Aizawa. Beside Aizawa sat a blonde haired man with an energetic smile, the complete opposite of Aizawa's annoyed expression. It was amusing to watch the man throw his arm around Aizawa's shoulders and say something that so happened to be loud enough for everyone to hear. It was equally as amusing to watch as Toshinori went on as Aizawa somehow got more annoyed as time progressed.

    Bakugou was snapped back to the conversation happening around him when he felt a hand clasp his shoulder.

    "Bakugou is the reason I'm here!" So that's what they were talking about.

    "Yeah, yeah, don't get all mushy," Bakugou responded, resting his chin on his hand and looking forward with a bored expression.

    Beside Kirishima he heard Kaminari laugh, "Look at him. He's embarrassed to be exposed for being nice."

    Sero placed a hand on his shoulder where Kirishima's previously resided, "I thought you didn't play nice Bakubro."

    "Don't touch me," Bakugou growled, swiping Sero's hand away. He's paused for a second as he processed Sero's words. "Wait. What did you call me?"

    Sero grinned as if it was the best thing he'd ever said, "Bakubro. Clever word play right?"

    "No. Don't call me that."

    "You're no fun Bakugou," Kaminari chided, slouching over the side of the bench with a playful pout on his face. Bakugou only shrugged. He could have fun but he didn't have to prove that to these idiots.

    Beside him Kirishima shrugged, "I think Bakubro is great."

    Turning to Kirishima, Bakugou threw a punch into his shoulder, " No one asked you what you thought shitty hair."

    Kirishima grinned, running his shoulder, "That hurt man."

    "Ah, shut up you cry baby, that didn't hurt," Bakugou said, rolling his eyes. Despite his best efforts to hold it back, a grin unfolded on Bakugou's face. "Idiots. All three of you."

Yeah, it isn't action packed, ya point is? Yeah, that's what I thought, shaddup, it's cute. Just kidding. It's cute to me.

So guys, hope you liked it. Anyways, I'm gonna stay up for another four or five hours so I'll probably get to work on the next chapter. Besides that, I hope you guys have a nice day/night and remember, sometimes if you type Shoji it corrects agony. So like, "mood" right?

Love you guys❤

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