Night Terrors

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   The day passed by painstakingly slow, though, much to his own surprise, Bakugou found that it didn't bother him. Between always having something to do and having Kirishima rambling in his ear, there had yet to be a dull moment.

   Toshinori had been generous with the tasks he'd given Bakugou. They had ranged anywhere from cleaning to yard work, neither of which made Bakugou complain. He was used to a bit of hard work.

   In the beginning, Toshinori was reluctant to give Bakugou chores, whether it was his explosive temper or the fact he had yet to be in the house for a while, Bakugou had yet to figure out. With due time though, the Doctor eventually caved and granted Bakugou his request.

   Bakugou had thought the hard work would repel others but Kirishima was insistent on helping him with his work throughout the day. If Bakugou needed something Kirishima would be quick to grab it before Bakugou could even object. Oddly enough, he found he didn't mind the boys company as much as he'd had in the previous days and he was beginning to get worried he'd grown to enjoy the presence of Kirishima.

   By the end of the day, both of the boys were sore as they say down to eat, their arms and legs aching. Bakugou had yet to sit down at the table with the others and eat, but tonight he dropped  into his seat without hesitation. He shuffled in his chair, attempting to get comfortable as Kirishima sat down next to him, grinning.

   "What are you grinning about, Shitty Hair?" Kirishima only shook his head at Bakugou's question, his grin seeming to only get wider as he turned to his food.

   By now, everyone had sat down, a few casting Bakugou curious glances as they settled down in their seats. Ignoring them, Bakugou began to shovel food into his mouth, his appetite tremendously bigger than usual. He enjoyed being given free meals everyday, though he wasn't accustomed to it, it seemed to put him in a semi-pleasant mood.

   Around him others chatted with one another, having forgotten about Bakugou's momentarily calm presence. Even Kirishima was facing the other way, his attention directed towards Kaminari and his others friends. Sitting there, in the calm of the meal, everything began to seem wrong. Just having people smiling and talking as if everything couldn't crumble down around them in this very moment seemed wrong. Shouldn't every one be wary of the future? Shouldn't they be scared or angry at the world they live in? Looking at them, Bakugou could tell very easily that they weren't. But why?

    Bakugou settled his eyes on Kirishima. He was a special person to say the least. No matter the things they had gone through so far, that smile still seemed to light up everything shadowed in darkness. Bakugou even found that sometimes it made him feel something that he couldn't quite explain. It was a feeling he had never felt before. That stupid fucking smile. Kirishima didn't look away from Kaminari. Instead he continued to joke and laugh along with them.

    He envied them in a way. The way they could be so carefree while his thoughts were restless. With one last survey of they people around him, he stood quietly, exiting the room unnoticed and leaving a half eaten plate of food behind, his appetite no longer present.

    He let his feet carry him to his room. The only thing he could possibly do in this moment was forget. He dropped on to his bed, face buried into the feather filled pillow as he submerged himself into the darkness of his dreams, not even bothering to change his clothes or burrow underneath the covers.


    Bakugou had experienced night terrors before. He would often wake in the dead of the night covered in sweat, the darkness around him engulfing him and seeming to constrict his lungs. Now, laying in the darkness, his body curled into the ball and his breath coming out in short gasps, Bakugou wished more than anything he could move. His arms and legs were locked in place, a unexplainable terror seizing his body and holding him in a close hug. Deep in his gut he knew there wasn't anything to fear at the moment. Everything was fine. He repeated those words to himself until he was able to breath deeply, his body finally beginning to regain control of itself.

    Despite his recovery from the moment, Bakugou was still irrationally terrified. He pushed himself up in bed, the air around him seeming colder as his clothes clung to his skin, soaked with sweat.

    From the window, moonlight spewed in, spilling across the floorboards and across the form of Kirishima in the bed on the other side of the room. Bakugou's feet moved on their own as he slipped out of bed, a shiver climbing its way up his spine as he stepped onto the cold floor. With shaky legs, he slowly crossed the room, his teeth clenched together as he rested the tips of his fingers on the soft skin of Kirishima's arm. Silently, he began to rethink his decision. There was no point in waking Kirishima for something so silly.

    Sighing quietly he began to turn away but dropped was a comforting and warm hand circled around his wrist.

    "Bakugou?" Kirishima's voice was tired but yet the stupid boy still managed to sound worried. "You need something," he questioned as he sat up in bed, pulling his hand away. Instinctively Bakugou reached out for the warmth, his mind telling him needed the comforting presence of it. If it hadn't been for Bakugou's quick thinking, he would've snatched the boys hand into his and held it close.

    "Its nothing, just a nightmare. It's whatever." Bakugou took a step back, ready to retreat back to his bed. He must seem intrusive, expecting Kirishima to help him. What could he do?

    Kirishima sat quiet for a moment, the silence tense. After a moment Kirishima flashed a smile that glinted in the moonlight, "You can sleep with me if you want." Bakugou just stared. What does someone do in a situation like this? Do you take the offer or do you decline?

    Bakugou's fingers strayed over the place where Kirishima's hand had been. The warmth was like a faint memory in his mind now but still there nonetheless. He found himself wanting more of that warmth.

    Bakugou took a step forward, taking in Kirishima's surprised expression, "Move over Shitty Hair." He shuffled to the side, making room for Bakugou to slide into bed next to him. Bakugou quickly threw the covers over him, his back facing Kirishima.

    After a moment of silence he couldn't stand Kirishima's eyes burning into his back any longer. With a loud sigh he rolled over, coming face to face to Kirishima.

    "What do you want," Bakugou asked, his voice low as he stared into Kirishima's eyes.

    "Just wondering if you're okay."

    "I'm fine."

    "You sure?" Kirishima sounded far from convinced but Bakugou wasn't going to talk about his problems. He was fine. Despite his claims that he was fine, Bakugou couldn't seem to muster the strength to respond, instead he pushed himself closer to Kirishima's warmth.

   Bakugou dropped his forehead on the boys chest, giving a quiet reply as he did so, "I said I'm fine, idiot." The action seemed to take Kirishima off guard but he didn't pull away, instead, after a moment, the boy wrapped an arm around Bakugou. By the time Kirishima said a gentle "goodnight", Bakugou was already asleep.

   Sorry about the kinda late night update guys. I planned on posting yesterday but if I'm being honest, I got caught up in watching The Ancient Magus' Bride. Great anime by the by.

   Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Be sure to correct my mistakes because dudes, I suck at this whole writing thing. Have a lovely day/night guys and remember that I love you broski's.

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