Option One it is

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   Forever. That's what it felt like sitting in that damned cell, though it couldn't have been any longer than a few days. Bakugou’s stay was far from pleasant. Each time he actually managed to fall asleep through the searing pain that his interrogators put him through, he was eventually woken up through the sound of shouted orders and petty insults. Seriously, the only thing they could think to call him where the regular, everyday obscenities that he used at least three times within an hour. It was very uncreative. He gave them a one out of ten.

    Bakugou groaned. He finally gotten to the point where he used bad humour to cover up his misery. Each second, every single fucking second, he was stuck laying on the floor of his cell, too tired and hurt to get up, thinking about the well being of his friends. Were they okay? Are they dead? He cursed himself. This is why, this is why you shouldn't make friends, he thought to himself, his teeth grinding together in annoyance.

   With what little strength Bakugou had, he attempted to sit himself up properly instead of remaining curled into a ball, trembling despite his inner protests. In the end, he ended the feeble attempt to move and just rested his forehead against the cold and grimy floor, willing himself to get lost in his own mind to avoid the sharp shooting pains that seemed to start from the middle of his back and traveled through his legs and arms every time he moved.

   The blonde knew he wasn't in good shape. He'd been punched and kicked countless times. It was his own fault though. Should've kept his big mouth shut. If anything, he was the reason everyone was in this mess. If Toshinori hadn't saved him, he would never had been caught along with the others. The thought made Bakugou squeeze his eyes shut. He had no clue where the other were or if the remaining few had managed to escape unlike him.

   It was very apparent to him that under no circumstances would they abandon him. It was impossible. Right? Bakugou shook the thought away and instead thought about what they might be doing at this moment. Were they just outside the castle gates, waiting for the perfect moment to sneak in from underneath the cover of a wagon? Maybe they hadn't made it yet and had been set back by the unfair assault of guards looking for them.

   As Bakugou delved deeper into the pit of thoughts he had conjured, the startling and all to familiar creak of the cell door made him snap his head up to meet the eyes of his guest. His heart seemed to stop a moment before it began to pound, his eyes landing on one familiar face.

   Never in his life had he hated someone's face as much as he hated the Kings. It was like an omen of bad news. Bakugou groaned, his head dropping against the stone ground with a thwack.

    “Oh, someone's glad to see me,” the King said, his voice leaving Bakugou with the impression that he was smiling, cockily at that.

    “You're like a dead bird,” Bakugou snapped, his head jerking up so that he could glare at the King despite the lightning shot of pain that coursed through him. “Disgusting and could quite frankly be considered a pest.”

    The King chuckled in response, not bothering to reply as he grabbed a handful of Bakugou's hair and yanked the teens head upwards. The action caught Bakugou off guard and the pain seizing his body suddenly became unbearable. In a desperate attempt to save his pride, he clamped his teeth on his tongue and forced himself to calm his laboured breathing as he brought his eyes to meet the Kings. The taste of blood gave greeting to his taste buds.

    The King smiled, and not a comforting smile either. A warning. "Boy, there are number of rules that I've enforced. But there is one that I cannot tolerate being broken." He leaned in, his face right next to Bakugou's ear, "Do not piss me off." With that, he dropped Bakugou's head, not bothering to spare the battered teen another look as he stood and wiped his hands on his overly stylish trousers. Bakugou didn't know what possessed him to do what he did but in the end, he didn't regret not one bit of it. With whatever courage he could muster, the blonde lifted his head and met the cold eyes the King, a wicked grin finding its way into his face.

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