Chapter 7

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"Ya know, Parker really is a nice guy." Gramma said as we sat in the chairs, our feet soaking in water and starbucks in hand.

I stopped texting Zach for a second and looked at her.

"I'm sure he is." I said, turning back to my phone.

"He helps your pops wth anything he asks, he even sat with him for hours once when I had to go to the store and didn't know when I would be back." She said, examining the remote to the chair she was sitting in.

"You don't have to do this ya know." I said, taking a drink from my straw and looking at my ohone.

"I'm not sure what you mean." SHe said, trying to sound innocent.

"Look, Carson doesn't like me and, honestly, I don't know him enough to like him either." I said, looking at her.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

I rolled my eyes and gave her a small knowing smile and went back to my phone.

When we were done with our pedicures we decided to go shopping.

"You should get a dress to wear to Abby's wedding." Gramma said, sifting through a rack of discount sun dresses as we stood in Papaya.

"I thought about it." I said, looking at the sunglasses.

"Wait, she didn't as you to be in her wedding?" She asked, raising an eye brow at me.

I shook my head, sifting through a bin of discount things.

"Why? You two have been close since you were little." She said, shaking her head.

"Gramma, I don't think she's asked anyone to be in the wedding yet. Besides, we all know Abby's changed." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Ever since her and Zach broke up she's acted like we were never close."

"She's gonna ask you, I know she is. No matter what you two still love eachother." Gramma said, smiling at me.

I wasn't so sure she would ask me but I decided not to dwell on it too much.

We didn't stay out very long, just long enough for gramma to get what she needed.

When we arrived at the house there was a harley parked in the driveway.

"That's Parker's. Just park up beside it." Gramma said, waving her head like he parked there all the time.

I did what she said and sat there, texting Zach back about the beach in a few.

I got out and followed Gramma inside, hugging Pops as he sat in the chair.

I sat on the couch after slipping out of my shoes and pulled my legs up underneah me.

Parker walked out of the bathroom and came to sit next to me, leaving a cushion between us.

"You girls have fun?" Pops asked, smiling.

"Yeah, we shopped and got a pedicure and went to Roz's for lunch." I said, recapping to him.

"Good. Did you like your birthday present?" He asked curiously.

"I haven't opened any of them yet. I was gonna do it later this evening." I said, yawning.

He shook his head, looking back at the television where a soccer game was taking place.

"You think you'll be home around seven?" Gramma asked, coming out of the kitchen with a ohone to her ear.

I raised an eye brow at her and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure. I'm about to go meet Zach at the beach." I said, looking back at my phone.

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