Chapter 1: Nighttime Thinking And Some Fun

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Hey everyone and welcome to my Marshall x Rocky story. Yes, I am making this chapter again. Some parts I've kept while the rest is gone. Therefore, you'll see new things in this first chapter. However, none of it changes the storyline. It's still the same story, just me changing it ^^ Hehe anyway, now that that's cleared up, I need to thank you guys. This story has become quite popular. Not sure how, but it has and I really appreciate it. I hope it continues. Cause I'm gonna keep making more chapters for it.

Now, with all of that out of the way, enjoy the revamped Chapter 1 of Unexpected.

Sometimes you wonder what might happen if you could sleep. Just be able to succumb to the Sandman and escape into the dream world. Usually this works out for Marshall, but tonight is a different story, so he decided to eat the beef jerky Ryder had given him.

The Dally grabs it from his food bowl sitting just a few inches from him as he lays on his tummy in his comfy pup bed. He giggles as he remembers what he did to receive the jerky. No, it wasn't for any menial task the town usually gives the pups. This was a serious medical emergency. He saved a whole forest full of animals while there was a forest fire he was helping out out. The pup risked his life to save 200+ animals while helping firefighters from neighboring towns and cities put it out. In fact, he almost burned to death himself, but thankfully the flames encapsulating him were put out just mere inches from him. Any closer and his fur and skin would've burned or been scorched. The pup received a huge award for such an achievement like this. A golden statue placed in the heart of Adventure Bay to show his bravery, five gold bars from the government for his ability to risk his life for the lives of many others, lots of praise from his country including the president shaking his paw, and on top of all this, a free two week vacation to anywhere in the world that he wishes to go, and can bring one friend or family member with him.

Needless to say, Marshall is the talk of everyday life now. He can't go anywhere without people mentioning him, except in Adventure Bay really. They acknowledge his triumphant rescue and near death experience, but the people respect his privacy and tend to keep their words to themselves. No need for a pup like him to be overwhelmed even more then he usually...

Suddenly, a knock is heard at his door. Hmmm, strange, no one usually knocks at this time. It's 9:00 PM, the time where everyone is usually asleep. Curious, the pup listens more closely, wondering if he can pick up on anything specific. Turns out he really can. The knocks are distinct and are in a pattern that only Rocky knows how to do. He giggles and presses a button on the wall, making his door rise up, revealing the mix breed standing there, a smirk on his face and the sky behind him making him glow in the semi darkness of Marshall's puphouse. At least until Rocky turns on the lamp, dims it, and changes the color to red. He also grabs some candles and lights them, making Marshall confused.

"Hey Rocky, what..." Marshall's jaw drops as Rocky shows him his thicc, sweaty, and juicy doggy ass. "Mmm I've been working hard all day cutie~~ Therefore, I dropped by here to have fun with you~~ You down for that~~? Hehe my sexy hero~~," Rocky says with lust to the blushing firepup/EMT Dally. Marshall has never heard anyone speak to him like this before. It's unusual and causes him to close his puphouse door again. Does he mind the talk sounds dirty? No, it's just something different compared to what he's used to. "Hehe of course Rocky, I love playing with you," Marshall says with his innocence and misunderstanding of what Rocky means.

"Well then~~ Seems a pup needs some lovin' from Rocky~~ Need any lovin' Marshy~~?," Rocky asks in a sensual tone, very deep and pleasing to Marshall causing him to sit up and notices his cock coming out of his sheath, making him blush. "R-Rocky my th-thingy is h-hardening," Marshall says in embarrassment, hiding his face in his paws, only for Rocky to pull them away and licks his face. "Hehe, cutie I really don't mind~~ Plus, it's called your...c-cock~~," Rocky says in lust, drooling at the sight of Marshall's 10 inch, throbbing, sweaty, and bright red colored cock, making Marshall blush so much more.

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