In the Garden

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March 3rd 1872


Ten days before the fire.

I leave the manor through the servants' door, feeling a thrill of excitement at the thought of defying orders and sneaking out at night. The night air is chilly, and I wrap my shawl tighter around myself.

My name is Anna. Well, for now anyway. It was a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment decision. Three days ago now, when I had confronted him as he was trying to stealing jewellery, he'd told me his name was James. But I knew that it wasn't. James was far too boring a name for such an interesting boy. Then he'd asked me for mine, and I'd seen the opportunity to have a little fun, to mess with him until he found out who I really was. It wouldn't do for him to know my real identity yet, it wouldn't do at all. The name 'Anna' just slipped out of my mouth, surprising me. Who was Anna? The thought had intrigued me for the last few days. Anna was just a maid, and an insolent one at that. But sometimes, when I was with him, I forgot about the real me, about my real name. We were just James and Anna, two people who just wanted to have a little fun.

One thing's for sure. For now at least, Anna I must remain. Only when I am Anna - only then - can I be free. Free from the burdens and expectations that control me when I am myself. Not that I was ever bothered much by them anyway, but even so.

I know that right now, neither of us knows that other's real name and identity, but that doesn't worry me. He could be a criminal for all I know, but to my surprise I find that I don't care.

This morning, as I went past him on my way to breakfast, he'd passed a note into my hand. Quickly, secretly, so no one else would see. I'd tucked it into my corset, and then only took it out when I was in the privacy of my room. One simple sentence, but it made my day. And when mother had asked me why I was grinning when I did my needlework, I simply stated that I was happy to be in her company. She looked shocked, but didn't question me any further.

Meet me behind the haystacks tonight when everyone has gone to bed, and also, may I just say that you look absolutely stunning today, sweetheart.


I had run my fingers over the line of spiky handwriting again and again until the ink had smudged, before throwing it into the flickering fireplace. No one must know that I am seeing him. That would ruin everything. I felt a little thrill at the thought of meeting a boy in secret. At the thought of forbidden romance. I felt like a heroine in book, and James was my knight in shining armour, come to save me from my fate. I told myself to snap out of it, that I was being stupid and irrational, but I just couldn't wipe the silly grin off my face. If my parents found out, they would be furious. Alone in my room, I laughed out loud at the thought of their horrified, angry faces.

When he hears me approach, he looks up, and his whole face is lit up by a smile. A smile so sincere, so heartfelt. His eyes look so golden in the flickering lamplight...

If he knew who I really was, he wouldn't be smiling....

"Hello, James," I grin as I reach him.

"Hello, Anna," he replies, matching my grin. "Shall we go for a walk?"

It's not the first time I've been alone with a boy. Mother demands that I find a suitor as soon as possible. "You're growing up, my bird," she'd say, "It's about time you found yourself a gentleman friend." I've been set up with many eligible young bachelors in the last few years, but I've found them to be all insufferable, vain idiots who only ever care about themselves. I've sat through dinner parties and theatre performances, almost dying from boredom. But this - this is completely different. This has been the first time that I've felt something. James makes me laugh, and he's... intriguing. Is it love? James - this boy - do I love him?

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