Smack Dab

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I liked it when Alastor called me his. For the first time in my life, living or dead, I felt like someone cared about me beyond what I could do for them politically. And I had to admit, I did like the red haired deer demon just as much as he liked me. 

We had decided to take a break from scamming rich people, and I was spending one of my free days taking a walk down to a little bakery I adored. But just as I rounded a corner, something hard and heavy swung out and hit me smack dab in the face. 

Stumbling backwards, I fell right on my ass, swearing very unladylike, "You fucking son of a bitch, you broke my fucking nose!" The demon above me just chuckled, dropping the shovel he hit me with to the ground. 

"Mr. Norton wants to have a word with you." The demon said in a raspy voice, reaching down and grabbing me by my (H/L) hair. I yelped as he drug me to a waiting car before shoving me inside. I hit the floor board with a thud. 

Well fuck. 

L'amour et La Mort | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now