Vin et Affaires

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I stood looking in the full length mirror hanging on my bedroom door. My (H/L) (H/C) hair was let down, framing my face. I had to say, my makeup was absolutely on point. My reflection smirked back at me as it took in my hair, makeup, and lacy green dress (pictured below) that hugged my curves in all the right places. Catherine Medici had taught all of her flying squadron that a woman's appearance was one of her greatest weapons. It was a lesson I had learned well.

As I took one last look at my appearance, a knock sounded at my door

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As I took one last look at my appearance, a knock sounded at my door. I put my best courtiers smile on and walked through my apartment to the door. Opening it, I straightened my shoulders and came face to face with the stranger from the night before. 

"Well good evening, my dear." The stranger in the red suit smiled his insane Cheshire smile at me, "I hope you are hungry, I have a special reservation for us."

He took me to a posh restaurant uptown in a fancy town car. Leaving the car with the valet, he escorted me inside to the foyer. A waitress in white tie led us to a table in a private room, complete with lit candles and soft background music. 

"You certainly know how to take a girl out." I observed out loud as we sat down. The waitress poured us a glass of vintage wine smelling of apricots. I delicately sniffed my glass, appreciating its layers of scent.

"Do you enjoy wine?" The stranger asked, his red eyes staring into my very soul. 

"When I was alive, I lived at the French court of Catherine Medici and Henry the Second." I explained, "Wine was a staple of court life." He smiled even more at me. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the head chef himself came into the room, exclaiming how happy he was to have the radio demon in his restaurant. Listening closely, I heard the chef call my date Alastor. So that was my date's name.  When the chef left, Alastor turned back to me, his smile still stretched across his face. 

Leaning forward, he said to me, " My dear, I have a business proposal for you."

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