To Rarities

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Alastor handed me a glass of red wine while I curled up in a blanket on my couch. He didn't criticize me about blowing our mission with Jake the Jackass, instead, he just sat across from me and waited for me to explain. 

"He wanted to film he and I having sex." I finally said after downing my glass. 

Refilling it, Alastor replied, "I'm surprised you didn't just stab him with your stiletto then." I offered him a small smile at the dark joke. It was true though, I had let our target off lightly. 

"We can hang back for a bit and take a break," He offered, settling back into his own seat, "I don't think either one of us is hurting for money. I shrugged in return, sipping at my refilled glass. The wine was sweet and rich on my tongue. 

Alastor and I lapsed into a long moment of silence. He just stared off into space, occasionally checking a pocket watch. Meanwhile, I just drank my wine and calmed down. 

Finally, I broke the silence, saying, "Thank you for being so kind." He raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised. 

"I was merely just being a gentleman," He said with a grin.

"Gentlemen are few and far between," I replied, setting my glass off  to the side, "Both in French court and in Hell." Alastor's grin grew wider at the comment. 

"It's good to know that I am a rarity then." He chuckled, then added, "You know, you are a bit of a rarity yourself." I raised an eyebrow in a silent order for him to elaborate. 

"Think about it," He continued, "You were a lady of one of the most refined courts in all of Europe and a spy to boot. It's a very rare combination."

With a chuckle of my own, I raised my glass in a toast, "To rarities then." Then downed the rest of my wine in one go. 

"To rarities." Alastor murmured, watching me. When I set the glass back down, he got up and moved closer to me. I watched as he leaned over and gently pressed his lips to mine. Closing my eyes, I let myself sink into the kiss, enjoying the taste of cigars and mint. It was a long, slow kiss, and when he pulled away, I opened my (E/C) eyes to look back into his own crimson gaze. 

"To rarities." I repeated breathlessly, feeling my heart skip a beat. 

L'amour et La Mort | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now