The Other End of The Line

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My escapade with the Senator went swimmingly. The sleeping pill I had slipped into his drink knocked his fat ass out as soon as we got to the hotel. And half an hour later the pictures were sent to my client via an encrypted app of my own design. Now, I was back at home, curled up in on my couch with a glass of wine looking at the fat deposit in my bank account. I deserved a shopping trip after this heist. 

Leaning back, I sipped at the rich red vintage as I pondered which stores I would visit tomorrow to spend some of the money. Glancing at my glass, the wine triggered something in my memory. That black card with the crimson writing...the handsome stranger. Reaching over the arm rest of the couch, I grabbed my wallet out of my purse. I pulled out the card and stared at it. The radio demon...

Curiosity gripped me as I picked up my phone and typed in the phone number. It rang one, twice...someone picked up during the third ring. 

"Hello?" The stranger's smooth voice greeted on the other end of the line. 

"Hello, radio demon." I said in my own smooth voice, "It's me from last night. The woman at the club, remember?" I sipped at my wine as I finished my sentence. 

"Well, good evening, my dear." His pleasant tone made my toes curl as he recognized me, "I was wondering when I would hear from you." 

"I figured I would give you a call." I said nonchalantly. 

"I'm glad you did," His voice was a purr, "I wanted to ask you if you would join me for dinner tomorrow night." I paused, my glass halfway to his lips. The rational part of my brain screamed Fuck no while the part of me trained at French court went Oh, Hell yes. 

"Of course," I said after a brief paused, then gave him my address. We agreed he would pick me up at six tomorrow evening. When I hung up, I leaned back against the couch, draining the last of my wine in one go. I sat there in silence, replaying our conversation over and over in my mind, my brow furrowing in irritation. 

I hadn't even asked him his name.

L'amour et La Mort | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now