Bacon and Books

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  The very next morning, Alastor appeared at my door with a paper bag in tow. Dressed in a fluffy bath robe and holding the first cup of coffee I had poured, I let him inside. I watched as he went to my kitchen counter and pulled several plastic food containers out of the paper bag. The smell of pancakes and bacon hit my nose, appeasing my inner-bitch.

"What's this?" I asked, moving closer to look at the yummy smelling breakfast. 

"I thought I might treat you to breakfast," Alastor replied, offering me a Cheshire grin, "And since the last person you came in contact with nearly died, I figured I would bring breakfast to you." I chuckled into my coffee, snagging a piece of bacon from one of the containers. 

"Good call." I said, munching on the delicious fried piece of heaven. Hell sucked in a lot of ways, but at least it had bacon. 

"I was wondering if you would like to take the day and visit a few shops with me," Alastor asked, pouring some maple syrup over his pancakes. 

Raising an eyebrow, I replied, "A new job?"

Shaking his head, he answered, "Just a day out. I think after last night, we both deserve it."  I returned his smile with one of my own.

"Sounds good," I said around another mouthful of bacon, "Let me go get dressed."

Half an hour later, we were walking out of my flat and down the bustling city streets. I led Alastor down a couple blocks to my favorite second hand book store. We wandered through the isles filled with books of every genre, color, and size. 

"Romance?" Alastor asked, peering over my shoulder at the book I had in my hands.

"I'm French," I chuckled in reply, "What else did you expect?"

We each found a couple of books for ourselves, checkout with the elderly woman at the front desk, and made out way back out onto the street. As we walked back to my apartment to stash away our finds, I felt Alastor's fingers intertwine with my own. I smiled softly, threading my fingers with his. The physical contact felt nice, uncomplicated, and natural.

A girl could get used to this...

L'amour et La Mort | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now