Chapter 11: Test 8

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As I came to, I found myself sitting in an elevator shaft with my teammates by my side as we ascended to the next floor. An Eye Watcher stood in front of the shaft doors, back faced to us. Beside me, I found Kai, Rin, and Airen standing still while swaying a bit as the shaft wasn't so steady.

I stood, hearing the light thud of my feet as it met with the metal floors. My legs felt weak under me and I rested my arm against the wall. Had we lost? Were we being taken out of the building?

It was difficult to distinguish the truth when everyone's expression was gloomy. Even the hyperactive Airen was silent.

The Eye Watcher spoke, "This next Test will only require one member at a time into the stadium. I assume you would like to hear what it is and what the rules are." He doesn't wait for us to answer, "This round will be a Bonus Test. If you win this, you will automatically be qualified into Test 10. This will be a game similar to Capture the Flag. However, this time, it will be a free for all, instead of a flag, there will be a ball, and instead of a whole arena, you will be standing on a platform. The whole objective is to be the last one holding the ball until the time runs out. Along the way, there will be items, walls, boulders, and others that will attempt to push you off the platform, but don't worry, they'll only cause minor injuries."

No one said a word.

"The Test will start immediately, so you must choose one team member who will participate and the rest will come with me. Don't worry, this Test will have no consequence, but remember your spot for the next Test will not be guaranteed." The elevator slowed. "Who will you choose?"

It didn't take long for a voice to speak up. "I'll go." Rin stepped up front as the doors slid open, revealing a pathway towards a circular platform about three feet above the ground.

"What are you doing Rin?" Kai warned under his breath and grabbed her arm before she could go. "You're not capable of going out there alone!"

Her eyes remained hard on her brother as she stared silently at him. She bit her lip and jerked her arm away from him. "You don't know me." With those words, she stepped out.

We continued to ascend with Kai yelling at the E.W. about letting her go, but he only replied with, "It was not my decision."

We went about three floors up until it was our stop and that whole time, Airen was still with eyes glued straight ahead. I wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't as we were led into a separate room similar to the one in Test 7 and peered down at the contestants below.

Rin was down there along with Nina, Alina, Arthur, Brandon, Hope, and Tyson who were all nimble on their feet. A ball the size of a fist was laid on a podium in the middle while everyone stood around the perimeter, eying each and every person around. First, we were teammates, but at this time, we were enemies.

"The Test will begin in ten seconds. And remember, you will have ten minutes."

The platform glowed and changed colors, revealing each individual square. Each square were of different sizes; some were large and some were small. From aerial view, large digital numbers appeared counting down and as each number changed a sound similar to a gong echoed. As the numbers hit zero, the whole platform shook, dropping the ball off its podium and rolling near Brandon. He stepped up to grab it.

"It wouldn't be wise to grab the ball first," Kai stated as Brandon had the ball in his hands just as a square popped up with a spring underneath, pushing him off the side. The ball flew and landed near someone else.

"Why do you say that?" Airen asked. He stood next to Kai and for the first time, they didn't bicker.

Kai seemed to enjoy the little question from him and half smiled. "You have ten minutes to hold the ball and at this point, you'll be against six other people. And don't forget about all the obstacles that will be in your way. You will have to consider all the possibilities that will occur while you're in there." He flinched as Rin nearly tripped over a boulder that formed by one of the smaller squares.

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