23- Dialog

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( A/N Sorry for the last chapter. I was bored, but if you haven't read it, you should, because there's an important note in it. And also, it originally said in the intro she was 19 during all of this, but I changed it to 20, so yeah.)



Well, I have been going on tour with shawn and tours on my own and stuff and... guess who got a record deal! By the way I say that, you can assume it's me. XP

I have a lot of fans and all that jazz. Yeah..

Well, me and Andi moved into an apartment together in San Diego. I heard my phone ring and looked down at it. Shawn was calling me.

"Hey," I said.

"Heyyy, I have some news,"


"Well, I just bought an apartment in San Fransisco and I was wondering if you would like to move in with me?"

"Like- when?" I asked, surprised.

"A week or two?"

"It's such short notice, and I don't know what the apartment looks like and-"

"Calm down. I know it's short notice, and you can just move in when you're ready. I'm in the apartment right now. It's a nice place, and I'll send you pictures or give you a tour on FaceTime."

"Wait, you've bought the place?"


"Shawn, I love you. I really do. And I am over excited to move in with you, but what would Andi say about it? How would she feel if her best friend left her for her boyfriend?"

"Oh, that is tr-" he started but I couldn't hear the rest of it because Andi ran up to me and screamed, 'guess what' and I threw my phone in the air.

"ALLY GUESS WHAT!" she yelled for the second time.

"I was kinda on the phone with Shawn.." I said picking up my (surprisingly unharmed) phone.

"Ally ya there?" shawn asked through the phone.

"Yeah, Andi just scared me have to death."

"Ally this is important!" Andi said.

"Shawn, we'll discuss this later." I said.

"Okay, talk to ya later." he said and I put down my phone.

"What is so important, that you must tell me Andi?" I asked.

"Will asked me out!"

"Dear God, it's about time! You guys have been like crushing for like a year now!"

"Shut up. But can you believe he asked me out?"


"You are killing my mood right now." I laughed.

"I have news too," I said and put on a serious face.

"What?" she asked excitedly.

"Well..." I started and looked down.

"What happened?" she said seriously.


"What did that kid do to you? I will KILL him!" she said raising her voice.

"No, no, its good news,"

"Well go on then,"

"Shawn asked me to move in with him." I said and closed my eyes.

I didn't hear her say anything so I opened my eyes. She was smiling so huge and then embraced me in a hug.

"I am soooo happy for you!" she exclaimed.

"Really?! I thought you'd be sad cause I'll be moving out,"

"Are you kidding me? You're moving in with Shawn, you guys are like crazy for each other. It's about time you move in together." she said.

"We are pretty crazy for each other."

"Yeah you are."

"Well I'm glad we discussed this,"

"Me too Mrs. Mendes." when she said that I couldn't help but smile.

"Shut up." I said wiping the smile off my face.

"Oh come on, you even smiled when I said that."

I laughed and picked up my phone to realize I didn't hang up on shawn.

"Shawn? You there?" I said laughing.

"You betcha."

"Did you heard me and Andi's conversation?"

"No, not really Mrs. Mendes, but tell Andi and Will I'm glad they got together."

"You little eavesdropper."

"Hey, so do you want to move in with me?"

"Heck yeah."

In a Flash *Shawn Mendes Fanfiction*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن