22- Record Deal

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"Ally! Ally- whooa," shawn yelled slipping on the rug in my living room.

"You okay?" I asked coming down the stairs.

"Yeah I'm okay- Ally! Guess what!"


"My manager/producer thought you sang really good and wants to hear you in the studio."

"You're joking,"




"This is a prank. I can't sing, where's Tanner, is she up to this?"

"Ally this isn't a joke, here," he said and handed me his phone. I read the conversation.

-voice recording-

Wow, that was good. who is it?

My girlfriend Ally West

You have to get her in the studio so I can see her sing this weekend.

Okay I'll tell her!

I put the phone down smiling.

"Wait, it is the weekend."

"Exactly, so come on!"

"I have to tell my parents I'm going,"

"Your parents already know,"

"Really? Before me?"

"Yes, now let's go," then he dragged me out the door and then we headed to the studio.


"Okay so Ally, you go in there and I just wanna hear you sing and maybe we could record some stuff if your good."

"Okay," I said nervously.

"What song am I singing?"

"The one Shawn sent me, Let Her Go by Passenger." I nodded and went in the room thingy.

I put the headphones on and then I heard the music.

I sang the words and soon I was finished.

They clapped and I just smiled.

"That was fantastic!" Jimmy said. (A/N I don't know the name of his manager so it's now Jimmy)

"Thanks," I said.


This girl was great, amazing! I was thinking maybe I could score her a record deal somewhere, but I wasn't sure yet.

"Can I hear you sing a few other songs?" I asked.

"Sure. What do you want me to sing?"

Then Shawn whispered in my ear, "one of my songs," I nodded and said, "I think you know this one,"

I played the music to Life of the Party and her face lit up.

She finished and that girl is amazing.

She sang a few songs and I was on board with getting her a record deal.

In a Flash *Shawn Mendes Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now