Chapter 8: Intrude

Start from the beginning

I lacked fighting and analytical skills. Daemon Spade was a tricky man. His heart consumed by hatred and greed led him to think that killing the weak will make the Vongola strong. His head misunderstood Elena's words when she clearly stated to protect the weak as what the original Vongola did. If I interfered the plot, what would happen? Should I do such a thing? Then Enma and Tsuna will not fight. Is it the right thing to do?

"Ms. Hiragii," a sharp voice snapped me out of my mental conflicts. The class teacher stood in front of my desk, a frown displayed on his face. 

"What are you daydreaming about?" he said, arms crossed over his chest. "Care to share with the class?"

I smiled at him. "Sorry, sensei! I was thinking about some work to be done."

"Is that so? Then come up here and solved this question," he smugly said. I did as he ordered. The question was an algebraic problem. It stated to solve for y. Easy peasy. He made a wrong move to challenge me. I solved it in less than thirty seconds.

"Is it correct?" I beamed at him. I felt like Father's smiles rubbed on me as I kept smiling.

"Y-Yes, y-you may go b-back...," he stuttered, flabbergasted and embarrassed he was defeated. The whole class went 'oh'ed and 'ah'ed. I sat back on my seat, feeling accomplished. A tap on my shoulder made me turn around to face a classmate of mine. 

"How did you do that?" she whispered. 

"I learnt it," I replied back softly. Her eyes widened a bit. 

"The topic on the board has not been taught yet."

Oh, I see. No wonder the class was surprised. I just chuckled nervously and told her I learned it by myself because I was bored. Yea, what a diligent worker you are, Chisaki. Note the sarcasm. No way, someone would study if they were bored. 

The rest of the day passed peacefully until the last class finished. I waited for Enma since meanies tend to bring him trouble. (Got to protect the little bun) 

"Chi-chan...Later, do you want to come to my house?" Enma asked, his eyes averted to his feet as we walked. 

"Sure thing!" I smiled and grabbed his hand. His face flushed red. We walked side by side, enjoying the tranquility. That stopped when two boys stopped in front of us.

"Oi, Loser-Enma, give us your wallet," one of them commanded, approaching towards us. I glared and stepped in front of Enma. My eyes met his.

"Oh, what is this, Freaky eyes protecting Loser-Enma," he sneered. 

"Leave him alone, you ugly pig!" I spat back, teeth bared out. Wait for it. He came closer and pushed me against Enma, him being clumsy, fell down. Without support, my balance toppled. 

"Ha, Freaky eyes, acting so big! Don't think so high of yourself! Give me your wallets!" he towered over us. Once he was close enough, I jumped up and pushed him down. He landed with an 'of'ed, I took out my pepper spray and aimed it at his eyes. He let out a girlish scream, arms flailing around like a dying fish.

"Haha, kiss my ass, you brats!" I pulled Enma along and dashed away from the scene. 

We did not stop until his house came into view. I pressed the doorbell multiple times, trying hard to catch my breath. Enma coughed and choked as if he came back from a marathon. The door clicked open. I scampered inside like a wild boar with Enma in tow. 

"Ara, what happened? Why are you breathing heavily?" Akira asked, her curious large, brown eyes wandered over us. 

"Err, we occur some weirdo and instantly run away," I nervously rubbed the back of my head. Akira rose one eyebrow, giving me a 'Really?' look. She decided to brush it off and helped us with our bags. We sat on cushions around a Kotatsu, a cup of milk in our hands. My thoughts began to wander again. 

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