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"dinner's ready!" little lisa immediately put the pencil back in the case, which she created by herself. She placed the case in a box then put it under her bed before going downstairs to eat.

"why a you cwying?" lisa asked jennie, who's sitting down the floor while sobbing uncontrollably. Jennie sniffled and tried to speak, though it was hard.

"i-i c-cant f-find m-my p-penthil th-thinth y-yethteud-day." lisa suddenly remembered the pencil she picked up yesterday when it was dismissal. She knew it was jennie's but she kept it instead. Typical classmate.

"you can buy a new one. A betteu one." Lisa tried convincing her but she just shook her head and cried harder.

"b-but t-that'th m-my f-favouwite p-penthil."

'oh shit.' They're literally just 6 years old but lisa curses. Welcome to earth.

"do not wowwy, we will find it. if we cant, then im thowwy but you weally gotta move on and get anotheu one." Jennie started to calm down a bit and smiled.

"weally?" lisa smiled widely as well.

"yeth. So, what doeth it look like?"

"it'th pink and hath unicownth and wainbowth and hath fouw numbeus." Jennie finally stopped crying.

"what fouw numbeus?" lisa acting innocent.

"2, 0, 6, 9."

And they started looking for nothing in their classroom.

"what's the date today?"

"October 13, 2069." Lisa took her cane and stood up. she walked, going to a cabinet. She opened it and took a box out then went back to her seat next to her wife, jennie.

"what's that?" jennie asked while watching lisa cut the box with a knife. She then brought the case out which made jennie look at it confusedly.

"October 13. Was when you left your favourite pencil and I took and kept it." jennie widened her eyes when she remembered about it then glared at lisa. "what"

"I cried for weeks because I lost my favourite pencil and it was with you all this time? You're such an asshole." Lisa gave her a kiss and apologized which made her calm again.

"I'm returning it to you since we finally reached the year 2069." Lisa gave the case to her formally which made jennie crack up a smile and chuckle.

"thanks for helping me look for nothing." And they shared some laughter as they leaned on to each other while watching the sun set beautifully.

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