SM Chapter: 3

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"So what's your poison?" Alexander asked as he pointed at all the bottles lying on his kitchen counter

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"So what's your poison?" Alexander asked as he pointed at all the bottles lying on his kitchen counter. I cleared my throat, looking at each one carefully as I tried to remember which drink Angie had poured for me earlier. I was utterly confused and Alexander must have seen that because he chuckled as he grabbed my cup and took one of the bottles.

"You don't have to." I quickly said, eyeing the drink suspiciously. What if it was poisoned? Or drugged? I didn't trust this bad boy at all and the fact that he was being nice to me made my senses heighten.

Alexander and I had barely exchanged a word since I transferred to Macknly high junior year. In fact, I do recall him stealing my school bag on my second day in school and I had to spend three hours looking for it until it somehow magically appeared in the lost and found with my Spongebob sticker missing. I've never forgiven him for that.

"Come on. Just relax and let me." He smiled and I held back a gasp. That was twice in a span of five minutes that Alexander had smiled at me. Something was definitely up.

"Here you go." He said, handing me the red cup.

"Thanks." I tried to smile as I took the drink trying to ignore the curious glances around us, most of which Alex was oblivious to.

"So what you doing here anyway?"
His question caught me off-guard as I turned my attention away from Marcus to Alex. At least they weren't making out anymore but having to watch him squeeze Teresa's butt was even worse.

"It's a party and everyone was invited." I shrugged sipping the bitter liquid that made my tongue burn. What the fuck was I drinking?

"No. I mean I've never see you in one of my parties before."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "There are at least two hundred people here. How would you know I've never been here before?"

"One -" Alex said, lifting his middle finger as the other hand held his drink. "I always know who attends all my parties, like that dude in a brown jacket -" Alex continued, pointing at some stranger leaning against the wall staring into space. "He always comes to my parties, weed dealer and I don't even know his name. Even your best friend makes a point of coming."

I stared at Alex speechless. The fact that he knew Angie never missed his parties was enough for me to acknowledge that he did in fact know everyone who attended. "And what's the second reason?"

Alex smirked. Taking his time to reply as he drowned his drink at one go, his face making no indication that the drink was as bitter as mine even though we were drinking from the same bottle. "Hey, look at the time. I have to go entertain my basement drunks now."


"I have to leave but don't look so sad. You can come if you want to." He shrugged pouring himself another drink. "It's always fun and games down there. A little too much for your innocent mind but we all have to grow up at some point."

I stared at Alex in confusion. He must have been drunk or something. He was never nice and tonight I was seeing a side of him that I thought never existed. "Sorry. Can't." I quickly replied sipping my drink to avoid any explanations.

"Okay. See you around Bree." I coughed, the bitter liquid making my eyes tear up as I realised Alexander Broody knew my name. "And as for number two -" He continued, ignoring my coughing fits. "You were staring at the chandelier for at least ten minutes when you arrived. That wouldn't have happened if you had been here before."

Alexander disappeared before I could formulate a reply. Like what the hell had just happened? Alexander talking to me so casually as if we had been long time pals or something? This was all too fake to be real.

I drowned my second drink just as Marcus' voice drifted to me, reminding me of the fact that he was still around, something I had seemed to forget while talking to Alexander. I slowly turned my face to his direction, noting that three football jocks and two cheerleaders who happened to be Teresa's best friends had joined them and Marcus' hand was finally behaving.

I absentmindedly poured myself another drink from Alexander's choice as I tried to listen in on the conversation going on to my right.

"Sorry can't dude. Me and Tess were actually planning on heading back to my place." I heard the unmistakable voice of Marcus say and my heart clenched. Oh God! Why her?

"It's okay buddy. Go have fun but you'll be missing out on a game of dares." One of the jocks, Bruce replied, his voice laced with mischief.

"Nothing beats being home alone with this hottie." Marcus replied with a chuckle and my heart clenched even more as I drowned my third drink not even realising that it didn't burn as much. Why her?

I didn't listen to any more of that nauseating conversation as I poured another drink. Why her? Teresa was a bitch, why did she have to get the guy I'd been crushing on for the past one year? Wasn't she satisfied with all the guys chasing her that she had to steal the only boy I'd come to like?

I don't remember watching Marcus and Teresa leave hand in hand. I don't even remember Angie and Shawn joining me in the kitchen and us cracking jokes. I don't even remember Alex appearing once again and dragging me to a game of truth or dare in the basement but I do remember making my third mistake as I pulled out my phone and searched for his name. My hands all shaky as I typed a text to him while Shawn drove us home.

12.34 am
To: Marcus H.

Why her and not me?
She is such a slut and a drama queen.


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