Chapter 13

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30 July⚪17.10.23

Ryan POV

"Bad news, Ricky,"

Leonard stated as he sat down heavily beside Ryan, who had recently awoken after his memory was returned. He placed a hand on Ryan's head, checking his temperature. Once he was reassured that Ryan was in improving health, he removed it.

Ryan frowned. He still had to get used to the disorientating nickname. "What bad news?"

Leonard sighed as he grabbed and scanned through the evening papers, keeping in touch with the latest scoop of events. "Robert's dead."

Ryan tried to bite his tongue, but Ricky still spoke up first. "I don't see how that's bad news."

Throwing a judging gaze at Ryan, Leonard ignored his comment. Instead, he lifted the paper to the light and started to read.

"Robert Bergara, aged 56, was found unconscious in his dorm of West Springs elderly home. Police were informed of the discovery by a female nurse, Hayley Watsons, who claimed she had been knocked out during the attack. Robert was pronounced dead by paramedics on the scene. No clue has turned up yet, with security cameras in the vicinity suspiciously erased during the time period. The residents of the elderly home would be relocated for the time being to facilitate investigations."

Ryan arched a brow, his detective instincts kicking in. "Seems interesting. Any cause of death?"

Licking his thumb, Leonard flipped the page. He scrutinized the paper, but eventually shook his head. "None stated."

"Interesting. Don't know or too gruesome, you think?"

Leonard closed the paper and placed it on the table. "Doesn't matter. Melody and I are going to check it out tonight."

"Wait, then what about me?" Ryan asked, propping himself up with his elbows.

"You're staying here," Leonard said simply as he reloaded his handgun. He slid six bullets in, refilling the empty cartridge.

"What? Why?" Ryan asked, feeling as if stripped of his basic privileges.

The gun clicked shut, and Leonard kept his eyes trained on it as he replied. "You just woke up, Ricky. We had to pump an extra volume of the antidote in you, and we don't know what strange side effects it may cause. I ain't taking any chances, so you're staying here."

"I'll be alright, Leo."

"We don't know that. You don't know that."

"Yeah, but since when have we ever played things on the safe side?" Ryan grinned and gazed out the window, into the setting sun.

"Besides, Robert was once my father."

30 July⚪22.56.35

Shane POV

By the time Shane arrived in the mortal world, the evening sky was already bleeding into nightfall.

His raven friend was silent by his side, and Shane appreciated that. She seemed like the only one who he could wholeheartedly trust right now.

They made their way back to the hotel room, and Shane's mind stubbornly held onto Ryan's true identity, flooding his insides with dreadful regret.

Flipping on the light switch, the dim motel room lit up with bright white lights. Everything kicked back into life, and Shane felt strangely drained as he collapsed on the bed. He laid on the comfortable linen sheets that hugged his lanky figure, closing his eyes.

Dead Angel •《A BuzzFeed Unsolved Fan Fiction》Where stories live. Discover now