Scott sniffled, but didn't verbally respond at first, absorbing her words to heart. "Then why do I feel like this?" his voice quietly asked. "Why do I feel like a, like a monster?"

"Scott McCall, you are not a monster," Sierra declared wholeheartedly. "And I will repeat it a thousand times until you believe me. You are a freaking werewolf, my friend, but you aren't a monster."

Scott sat up, and turned to look her in the eye. "You really believe that?"

"Of course I do," Sierra confirmed with a nod. "I have known you practically my entire life, Scott, and I know what's in your heart. Having a dream where you commit an act, and actually committing the act in real life are two completely different things. Your fear just took advantage of you during a moment of weakness; unfortunately, that happens sometimes."

"Like it happened to you?" Scott asked, barely above a whisper.

Sierra felt herself freeze, caught off guard by his question. She kept her focus towards the ground for a minute, before she finally gained the courage to look back at him. "Yeah," Sierra nodded with her eyes glistening, a sad smile on her lips. "Like it happened to me."

"So how did you get through it?"

"I'm still getting through it," Sierra corrected him, forcing a laugh as she wiped a tear from under her eye. "Mizuki...she attacked every part of me. All my fears, all my anger...she used to control me. And even after I killed her, I still felt like she was in my head. That's why I don't sleep as much as I used to, Scott. Because I hear every negative thought and fear, and it keeps me awake."

Sierra questioned him, "But do you know how I know that I'm going to be okay?"


"Because I have you," Sierra pointed to him, a smile stretching across her lips. "I have Jemma, and Stiles, and Malia, Lydia, and Kira....I have all these people around giving me their love and support. And just like they have my back, they have yours too. I know your nightmare scared you, but that's all it was. A nightmare. You are not a monster; you're a werewolf." Sierra teased him, "And let's be real here, even if you tried to kill Liam, I'm pretty sure he could take you."

Scott chuckled, already feeling much better from listening to her. "Yeah, you're totally right."

"When am I not?" Sierra snorted, and held up her hand for him.

Scott grinned, bumping his fist against hers before another question dawned on him. "So, speaking of Stiles..."

"Don't even go there," Sierra warned, lifting a finger. "I know you wanna help, Scotty, but this is something we have to figure out on our own."

"Have you guys talked at all since the PSAT's?" Scott asked in concern.

Sierra nodded once, letting him know it didn't go as well as he hoped. "Yeah, we might've started arguing in the hospital room."

"Are you two going to be okay?"

"I hope so, Scott. I truly hope so," Sierra replied truthfully. "But right now, I just need some space from him."

"It's my fault too," Scott reminded her before he apologized, "and I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. We could barely process it ourselves, but we shouldn't have kept it from you. As your best friend, I owe you a movie night and pizza."

"Apology accepted," Sierra smiled. "Unfortunately, that might have to wait until after all these people stop trying to kill us."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about them."

They both chuckled, and Scott spoke up once more once his eyes caught sight of the time. "Do you wanna spend the night here? You know the guest room is always open."

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