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Chapter Two:

Hazel couldn't remember when she discovered the suit. It was like the one Tony had presented her nights before his death, but this one seemed to capture something the other didn't. This one, it was all black with dark red veins covering the entirety of it. Gloves covered her hands, and a hood flipped up over her face.

Two weeks after school began, and after Bucky had officially moved them into their new apartment, a box was sitting on her bed. A sticky note was attached to it, in Pepper's handwriting.

I found this in his office. You're name was written on it and I thought you should have it. He called it the prototype.

Love you,

Hazel had instantly tried it on, loving the way it felt. Unlike her other one, this suit showed no hint of what power she was going use, inflicting an act of surprise which she liked.

Than a week after that, after walking with Peter late at night, they went separate ways. It was almost midnight, and he insisted he walk her home but she declined each time. When she was almost home, two 'shield agents' approached her, telling her she needed to come with them for questioning. Hazel ran, and every time they grasped her they demanded to know where the Winter Solider was. She got home with only a handful of cuts and bruises, telling Bucky what had happened after he demanded she tell him.

He was furious, and declared she wasn't allowed to leave the house alone after 9pm. After that, Hazel trained even more. The girl started sneaking out weeks ago, finding random people on the streets who were in search of a fight. While her powers were still coming back, she'd need to learn how to fight better with just her body. One time she was almost caught, and ever since than she wore the prototype suit when she hit the city.

Hazel turned right, following her usual course. She'd been doing this for weeks now, almost every night.

Someone coughed ahead of her, and she clicked her mask into place. The hard surface only covered her eyes, ending at the end of her nose. People glanced her way, probably wondering what the hell was wearing and why she was out so late. A homeless man leaned against the wall, a man she learned was named Henry. He sat there every night, always muttering something under his breath as she walked by.

"You." He muttered this time as she walked by, voice going quiet. "Lady of the Shadows."

Hazel snorted at the nickname he had given her, knowing full well what she did every time he saw her. He did nothing though, usually because once in a while she'd hand him twenty dollars to go get some food.

She turned again, going onto a side street. As she approached the more sketchy part of Queens, she noticed all the changes. Almost nobody was out, and most of the lamp posts were broken, shedding the road in darkness.

The alleyway the girl normally hid in was occupied as voices floated towards her. Usually she'd hear a few muffled voices or drunk shouts as she approached, but this time it sounded as if a younger man was there. She snuck closer, peaking her head around the brick wall to see a red figure sitting on a fire escape, talking to group of drunk individuals.

"I've been here for hours." Her eyes widened as she recognized the figure to be Spider-Man, Peter Parker in disguise. "When does this person usually show up?"

A man stumbled onto the ground, landing on his butt. He laughed, "Midnight, man. She picks a fight and then disappears."

"And why do you keep coming back?"

"Because were gonna beat her. We ain't losing to a small girl again." A different man spat, "She put Lenny in the hospital."

Hazel frowned, remembering that night. She had gotten to carried away, lost in her anger and sadness. She had broken the man's ribs, knocking him out cold.

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