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Chapter Thirteen:

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

Hazel pushed her way through the bar, walking past Peter and towards the back where the bathroom sign was located. Nobody gave her any odd glances, which gave her hope that she didn't look like she had just been living in the gutters.

Though, she did. Upon looking at herself in the mirror her eyes widened. This was why they wore suits.

Her hair was a tangled mess, and it hadn't helped that MJ curled it as it just formed a massive knot. Her makeup looked good, despite the bruises she knew would form on her face and all the dried blood. Her shoulder was covered in scraps and was bloodied, she looked like a mess.

Her dress— MJ's dress, was burnt and ripped in various places and one of the straps was gone. She huffed, turning on the tap. The water was cold, but she didn't care as she cupped it under her hand and brought it up to her face. She didn't feel like actually scrubbing, so she grabbed paper towel and dabbed her face dry before throwing it out and disappearing back out into the main bar.

Peter and Beck were sat at the bar, facing each other on the stools. There was one open seat in between them, and she walked right up and sat there.

"Whatcha doing?" Beck questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Making sure Peter doesn't get to attached." She shrugged, "You know, incase of betrayal and all that stuff."

His eyes darkened, but when he looked to Peter it disappeared as he chuckled.

Peter smiled pulling his cup of juice towards him, taking a long sip. "So are the Elementals really gone?"

"They should be. But do the bad guys ever really go away?" Beck replied.

"No." Hazel said bluntly, staring at him. "They don't."

Something tapped her shoulder and she turned to face Peter, the smile was gone and worry filled his eyes.

"Hazel, do you mind if I talk to Mr Beck alone?"

She looked back at Beck, who only nodded with an understanding expression. He waved down the bartender, "Can I grab a chocolate milk to go please."

"This is a bar." The man replied.

"I'm aware."

The man huffed, but retrieved a small cartoon of chocolate milk and Beck slid it towards her.

"No straw." Beck waved, "Save the turtles."

Hazel pursed her lips, but grabbed the drink and hopped off her stool, walking back outside and leaning against the wall. She folded open the cartoon and downed the entire drink in one gulp, then angrily tossed it into the nearest trash bin. She kicked the metal in frustration until arms wrapped around her from behind and held her there. She squirmed, trying to get away until she heard MJ's voice.

"Thank god you're ok."

Hazel pushed herself away, "I'm fine."

"I saw what happened." Her friends eyes were wide. "I saw Mysterio and that Spider-Man look alike and then you. Y-You did things... with you're hands—"

"How many people saw?" Hazel demanded, trying not tear up.

"I-I don't know. I saw Betty and Ned, so they know. And news cameras—"

A sound echoed from inside the building, causing Hazel to rush up to the window to see Peter sliding off his bar stool.

"MJ, listen to me." Hazel nudged her friend away, "Go back and make sure everyone stays in the hotel tonight. You hear me?"

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