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Chapter Nineteen:

As they fell closer and closer to the ground, everything slowly started taking shape. There were large black clouds, forming funnels and thunder. She could see flames dancing and water crashing into places there shouldn't of been water. The wind grew so strong Peter had almost dropped her a handful of times.

They got down towards the river and Peter let go of her, promising to grab her again. She yelped as he let go, and she fell. Instead of falling right through and drowning, her feet hit the water, and she took off in a run. She followed Peter's figure in the air, dodging rubble that washed up within waves. Peter quickly swooped back down and scooped her up, flying upwards until they approached the largest of the dark funnel clouds.

"It's not real." He yelled, "It's not real. It's not real!"

Hazel closed her eyes, just in case they were wrong and were racing to their deaths. But then it was overly calm, and she opened her eyes. They were inside the illusion, for that was all that it was. Hundreds of drones littered the area, some flying in unison and others far off is random directions. You could see the grid that they followed, and the scenes that were going to unfold.

"Woah." Peter breathed, as they both clung onto one large drone. "That's awesome."

Hazel broke off, and leaped onto the other closest one. Peter glanced at her, "We need to find Beck."

Her drone separated from Peter's line of direction, flying in the opposite.

"Am I supposed to be floating away?" She called out, over all the loud noises. "Cause I don't think this is apart of any plan, I'm gonna be honest."

"It works, it's ok. Follow my lead, don't get caught when it all blows up."

"What?!" Hazel yelled, watching as he jumped onto drone to drone leaving a trail of electric webs. But he was off, jumping higher and higher and she scrambled trying to get the raging winds from all around them to push her up. Within seconds, she was soaring after Peter, she was just under him as he flipped in the air - "I hope this works!" He shouted, free falling.

Immediately spots began forming within the illusion, breaking it apart. Each drone fizzled with electric currents—

"I see him!" Peter yelled, slinging out a web and heading for the break. Hazel trailed after him, watching as she escaped behind him just as something shot out and hit him. Peter yelped, being throwing downward towards the ground. Hazel saw Beck standing on the bridge, high up and away from any danger. Drones flanked either sides of him, and he only smiled smugly at her.


She could hardly hear his voice over the noise, but she slowly moved towards the ground, landing on her feet beside him. He yanked her onto the ground, hiding behind a car.

"The plan is not going as smoothly as one would hope." He told her, looking up towards the bridge where Beck stood. "He has Edith, that's how he must be controlling most of the drones. He'll have more of them too, since she's connected to Mr Stark's defensive system."

Hazel huffed, "You just had to give him the glasses."

She shifted to her knees, staring up at the tower. Her eyes widened as hundreds of drones suddenly turned and began flying towards them.

"Um, Pete." Hazel mumbled, "Are they coming—"

"We gotta go." He yelled grabbing ahold of her hand and yanking her up, they ran between cars and rubble, trying to avoid the drones who were now shooting at them. They ran until even more joined the pursuit and Peter cursed under his breath as he grabbed ahold of her and they went swinging into the air.

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