...Stage 5: Acceptence...

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I've finally opened my eyes and saw you for who you truly were. Loving you was the happiest time, but painful at the same time.

It's not my fault:

That I stopped loving you

I couldn't sit there and take all the emotional beatings you gave me. Some of my wounds are still fresh, and some are trying to heal

It's time I started living without you
It's time I stopped needing you
It's time to start over again

Where you can never reach me, where I can finally say your name without breaking down each time. Somewhere I can be normal agian

I want to forget you. I want all those moments we had to be just a dream. A dream where only happy thoughts enter and negative thoughts seem to exist

Hopefully I'll move on
My heart will once beat again
And I'll learn to love again

But until then, only these words are occupying my mind

Did you ever care about me?
Most importantly...Did you ever love me?

I Finally give into your torturing but I want you to ask yourself if it was really worth it...

...Promising Young Woman...Where stories live. Discover now