Can't Stop

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When I get going
The going don't stop.
I keeping going
Until I drop.

When my body is screaming,
My head is spinning,
And my breath is gone,
I don't stop.
I can't stop.

I can't let them down.
The Humans Evaluating Me.
T. H. E. M.
The ones in the shadows.
The ones who care.
The ones who make the decisions.

I can't stop.
I love my friends.
I love my life.
I love my ideas.
I love the possibilities.
I love the future.
Can't stop now.
Not if I want these things.

When the weight of the world presses on your shoulders,
And the vultures circle above you,
And gnats nibble your aching limbs,
You don't stop.
You keep going
Just to prove you can.

You can always keep going.
You must make them proud.
You must prove them right.
You can't stop.

Or can you?

Isolation Poetry (Rarely Updated)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat