Chapter 13

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Wednesday morning the day I go back to school to make up all my work.  I dreaded going back to school and my dad seemed to have caught onto my mood. "You okay honey? You seem upset?" I waved him off and went to get a fruit, "I just don't want to make up all the work I missed." He laughed and walked over to hug me, "I have to go, have fun at school alright." I sighed and nodded hugging him back, "I'll see you later dad." I felt him smile and we pulled away, we grabbed our stuff and went outside. My dad walked to his car while I walked to mine. Rose was leaning against the passenger door smiling at me. I waved to my dad once more and unlocked the car so we could both go in. My dad drove off and I started my car. "Ready to go back to school Ellie?" I shook my head quickly and she laughed. She reached to turn on the radio when I pulled out of the driveway. We both sung along to 'Tetris by Derek King' and danced in our seats. By the time we made it to school we were smiling wildly. I turned off the radio and we both got out making our way to school. Rose's cold hand would brush against mine every once in a while. I would simply just look over at her and smile. She always smiled back but our moment was ruined when I was tripped from someone falling onto my hands. I grunted and looked up seeing the football team laughing. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up with Rose holding my arm. She glared at them and we walked to my locker. "Gosh they are such little kids." I agreed and took the stuff out of my locker huffing. I closed my locker and rested my head on it closing my eyes.

The cheerleader walked over still with a smirk on her face. She grabbed a beer bottle and yelled over the music. "Here start with this! I don't think either of you are ready for the big stuff yet!" She motioned to the counter that had all the hard liquors on it. Rose took that as a challenge and gave me the beer while she grabbed a red solo cup and put some rum in it. She started drinking it with a raised eyebrow at the cheerleader. She smirked and yelled while walking away, "Have fun!" I started taking sips out of the beer while Rose continued to drink the rum. The music was so loud and more and more people seemed to be piling into the house. Rose leaned into my side while we watched couples around us make out and grind on each other. I sighed and took Rose's cup taking a giant gulp out of it. It burned a little going down but it was tolerable. She pouted and I yelled over the music, "Just go get some more." She shrugged and I finished the rest of the beer. I started taking some shots to loosen up more. Rose joined in and eventually I was in the backyard playing beer pong against some random guy. Rose was holding onto my side so neither of us would fall. We both were slurring but my shot was still on point.

He still had six cups on my side while I had two. I slurred yelled at him, "Dude you suck!" Everyone started mocking him and he missed the cup again. I threw the ball sinking in one of them. He drank and finally made a cup. "Jeez about time, I can finally drink now." Everyone started laughing and I threw the ball making the last cup. Everyone cheered and I stumbled back inside with Rose. We danced together for a bit before I went to grab a water seeing that it was already 11 so I figured I would try to sober up a bit. I gave one to Rose as well then everyone was called inside to the livingroom.  "Alright everyone there is an announcement!"  The music gets cut off and the T.V. turns on.  The head cheerleader, Aubrey and captain of the football team, Cole were standing on a table in the living room.  Confused I walked a little closer with Rose holding onto my arm.  Rose started tugging on my arm.  I looked over at her and raised my eyebrow.  "Ellie I have a bad feeling maybe we should go."  Ignored her and continued to listen what they were going to say.  I had no idea I was going to regret that decision so much.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the first bell rang.  I looked over at rose and motioned for us to head to first period.  Throughout class I didn't say much and Rose didn't say anything either like she knew what I had thought about.  She rested her hand on top mine throughout the class.  I only sighed and moved my hand when I needed to start writing.  5 more weeks then I am done with this bullshit.  I wrote down all the notes and started on the homework.  I looked over at Rose next to me.  She was looking out the window with her headphones in.  She looked like an angel glowing slightly from the light hitting her in a specific way.  Screw homework.  I got my drawing book I always had in my bag and took it out.  I haven't touched it since the accident.  I lost all motivation after that and never seemed to find my inspiration until now.  I ran my hand over the top and flipped to a clean page and quickly started to draw Rose before she moved.  A couple minutes later I was doing the finishing touches and felt a head against my shoulder.  I looked over and Rose had her earbuds out and wore a proud expression.  She whispered to me, "I'm glad you found your muse again.  Since well..."  My face fell but I nodded nonetheless.  I finished the last stroke and leaned back in my seat.  Rose ran her hand across the page and smiled.  I smiled and then the bell rang and I closed my drawing book and threw it in back in my bag.

Rose and I went our separate ways and I saw Grace waiting for me ahead.  She smiled and waved when she saw me.  I chuckled and shook my head waving at her back.  I walked over and she put her arm around my shoulders leaning into her while we walked to second together.  Throughout class we were joking and messing around.  The teacher gave us a few dirty looks but most of the time we didn't even notice it.  When he handed out the assignment Grace and I were quick to finish it and were now taking pictures on her phone because we were both bored at that point.  She posted a couple on snapchat and tagged me in it saying 'look at this weirdo'.  I lightly hit her in the arm, "Hey you're weird too."  She laughed and nodded.  The bell rang and we went to lunch.  I went to get my food and waved goodbye to Grace.  My plan was to sit with Rose today at our tree.  I could see her through the window reading a book which made me smile.  Fixing my bag I made my way outside with my food.  I threw my stuff down and sat down next to her.  She laughed and said, "Aggresive much."    I smiled and took a bite out of my pizza.  We spent lunch in silence but neither of us minded.  Lunch ended quickly and we walked inside until I ran into the football team.  "Hey Ellie we really enjoyed that video last year."  The whole team started laughing and my eyes started to tear up.  I started to run to my car outside and I could hear Rose yelling after me but I ignored her.  Jumping into my car crying I sped home.

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