Chapter 3

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I told Rose about my dream and she didn't really react. Correction, she did react but she hid it from me. I was upset that she was hiding it from me but didn't push. The school day passed quickly and I was still called names and tripped but Rose was with me the whole time. Rose talked with me throughout the day to try and get my mind off what was happening. It would work when she was with me but as soon as she was gone all I could think about was what they were saying. In computer class earlier that day the teacher assigned a partner project and said we needed to make our own video game. I had sighed knowing that I would have to be with someone, I didn't know anyone in that class but to my surprise Grace had asked if I wanted to work with her. So here I was in present time outside the front door of her house with my laptop in hand. I knocked on the door once and could hear footsteps on the other side of the door. The door swung open and a smiling Grace was on the other side. She was wearing a oversized T-shirt that was half tucked into shorts that go mid thigh. She happily said, "Hey Ellie come on in." She moved to the side and I walked inside looking around taking in everything. Her house was decently big with light blue walls with family pictures and a couple of paintings hanging on the walls. From the front door it immediately opened to the dining room, livingroom, and the kitchen in one big open area. I smiled and she closed the door behind me, "Sorry it's so empty right now my parents are in their room. They thought we would need it quiet." I nodded and she asked while walking to the kitchen, "You want a water or something?" I sat down on the edge of the couch and said, "A water is okay. Also are we going to put the project on my laptop or?" I heard her walk over and handed me my water. She shrugged and sat down, "It's up to you it doesn't matter to me." I nodded and opened my laptop, "Well I have a website we can use to program the game on my laptop." She nodded and drank from her water bottle, "Then we'll use yours." We both laughed a bit and I pulled up the website. I looked up at her and asked, "What kind of game are we going to do? Is it going to be a kids game, a simple one, a family game?" She thought about it and answered with, "Not sure maybe a family one? Those sometimes tend to capture a bigger audience."

I nodded and wrote out our plans for the game. I looked up at her again and said, "Alright let's talk about ideas for the game." A couple of hours later we stood up stretching when we heard footsteps coming down the hall. I turned and gave my crushed water bottle to Grace to recycle. Who I would assume were her parents walked out and smiled at us, "Hello sorry for walking in we both got hungry. Want some food?" I looked at the time and it was already 9pm. I shook my head and apologized, "No thank you I have to get going." I reached down to save the project and close my laptop putting it under my right arm. Grace nodded and so did her parents, "Here I'll walk you out." I waved to her parents and followed her to the door. I walked outside and she looked around trying to figure out how I had gotten there, "Did you walk here?" I nodded, "You live a couple blocks down from me." She looked skeptical, "Here I'll give you a ride. And don't argue with me, it's late and you don't know who could be out here at this time." I sighed and she went back inside to get her keys. She reminds me of Rose. She came back outside and ushered for me to follow, "Come on let's go." I smiled and we walked over to her car. She had a black SUV, "This is yours?" I got into the passenger seat and she laughed at my surprise, "Yes this is mine. My parents gave this to me as a gift a while back." I nodded impressed and she pulled out of the driveway. "You got to direct me Ellie. I don't know where I am going." She chuckled. "Oh yeah you're right." I started directing her to my house which was much faster since I wasn't walking this time. She parked on the street and I looked over at her, "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow at school." She nodded and I got out going inside my house.

I heard her drive away and listened to hear if my dad was home. I sighed realizing he wasn't home yet. Walking to my room not wanting to eat and changed to my pjs. I pluged my phone in and slipped into bed turning off the light and quickly fell asleep. The next day as soon as I walked through the school doors I was shoved and fell to the floor hard. Rose starting talking back to the basketball team but I called her to continue walking ignoring everyone. "It's okay Ellie all these people are just immature." I shrugged it off and got my stuff out of my locker. I simply said to her, "Come on let's go to class." She didn't say anything and we both went to first. Later in the day at lunch when Rose and I were at our tree I had gotten a message from Grace.

Grace: "Hey since we worked on the project yesterday I was thinking about a break?"

Rose read the message over my shoulder and said, "Do you want to take a break?" I shrugged and looked up from my phone. I looked around and then down at the ground, "I don't really need the break. But if she wants to then I guess we could take a break." Rose nodded and looked out again. I went back to my phone to text Grace.

Me: "Sure. We can work on it again tomorrow."

Grace: "Alright Ellie see you later."

Me: "See you later."

I closed my phone and rested my head against the tree trunk closing my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt Rose's cold hand on my arm which made me open my eyes and looked over at her. "You okay?" I sighed and saw the security in her eyes. I closed my eyes again and took a deep breath, "If I am being honest no. But I will continue to pretend that I am." I looked at her and gave her a cheesy smile. She grunted with disproval, "You know you don't have to pretend when you're around me right." Rose sighed and moved even closer to me and I slowly nodded. The lunch bell rang and we both got up to go to class.  For the rest of the day only a few insults and teasing came but I ignored everyone and was now walking home with Rose.  "I'm sorry Ellie that this is happening to you.  I know it only started at the beginning this year but I know it still hurts you.  I can see your walls cracking sometimes."  A tear fell but I refused to let her see or let any other ones escape, "I am okay Ro.  I'll see you later."  I turned leaving her to go up to my house.  I went inside and straight to my room, I hated how she was right.  My walls were cracking from the teasing and insults.  I'm not sure how much longer they will be strong.  I took a deep breath and went out to the kitchen to make some food for myself.  "Hm what do I feel like making?"  A couple seconds later I hear the front door opening.  I smiled when I saw my tired dad walk in, "Hey honey."  I ran over to him and hugged him, "You're home early."  I felt him run his hands through my hair, "Yes I am."  I pulled away and walked back to the kitchen telling him, "Just go relax dad I am going to make dinner.  Want some pasta and chicken?"  He nodded and I got all the ingredients out realizing we didn't have any pasta.  "Well that isn't going to work." I whispered to myself.  My dad walked back out and I said to him, "I am going to head to the store we apparently need pasta."  He smiled and said, "Be safe."  I nodded once and left.

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