"Mia?" Alex's tender voice calls from the other side of the screen.

"I'm fine." I reply softly.

"Do you need help?" He asks, sounding genuinely concerned. Reaching up I turn off the shower, shivering at the loss of the heat.

"Can you pass me a towel." I ask, tired. Pulling myself upright and locking my knees I concentrate on not collapsing, a second later a large purple towel is whipped around the screen, wrapping it around my body I hang onto the screen as i step out the shower only for my legs to betray me, but no sooner than I feel myself falling does Alex scoop me up, my head resting on his shoulder, my lips pressing against the strong pulse in his neck, I feel his arms tighten on me and I haven't the strength to stop my bodies natural reaction as my hands fist in his shirt, my energy ebbing away. Alex gently places me on the bed, his eyes glittering as he sits beside me, his fingertips running tenderly down my face.

"Try and eat some food then get some rest, you're safe here." He goes to stand but my hand has a mind of its own, grasping his lightly but just enough for him to stop, looking back at me.

"What about Byron?" I ask, fear making my voice quiet, Alex sits closer to me, his scent calming my racing heart.

"He won't hurt you. I promise." Honesty shines in his eyes, tilting my head I frown slightly.

"You sound sure." His hand cups my cheek gently as he smirks.

"Trust me. I know my brother."

"Well your brother looked damn near happy to kill me earlier." Alex reaches across me, pulling the tray of food onto my lap as he stands, for some reason I feel a loss as he steps away from me.

"Eat something." He commands as he opens a large wardrobe, pulling out a long dark grey t-shirt before sauntering back, for some reason I can't tear my gaze from him, his knowing smirk makes me blush.

"I ... Uh ..." I stutter, speechless, my usual confident exterior has abandoned me, leaving me with the nervous girl inside.

"Would you like me to help you get the top on?"

"I can do that myself." I quickly defend, sitting up I quickly grasp the towel as it attempts to remove itself.

"You really are temptation." Alex whispers, suddenly close to my ear, goosebumps flush over my skin and I forget my own name. I feel his soft lips on my throat and I know logically I should be terrified, the fact he's a vampire, he had bitten me before, he could kill me in a heartbeat and I have stolen from him and his family gives him power over me that should make me fear him. But instead my body heats at his proximity, my heart races and the butterflies in my stomach make my feel almost sick.

"Alex?" A strong, confident and feminine voice calls from the doorway, causing me to jump, as Alex straightens, a pained expression on his face.

"Lara." He half introduces, half warns but the beautiful woman waltzes into the room, flipping Alex off as he growls menacingly, I can't stop the small giggle escape, quickly freezing as both their eyes collide with mine, my blood feels frozen in my veins.

"So this is Mia huh? I heard you forbade me from meeting her." Lara stands with one hand resting on her hip, daring Alex to answer. He has the decency to look away sheepishly, his strong hand massaging the back of his neck.

"I um ... Go away." He sounds just as flustered as I feel when he's near me, Lara smiles mischievously as she suddenly appears next to me on the bed, shocking me that I almost fall out, remembering at the last second to hold onto the towel tightly as the temperature in the room seems to drop a degree.

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