The Dinner party

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Your POV:

I did it, the party is ready, I can't wait to see everyone again. I sat down tiredly next to the door. I made almost everything, except the cake, that had Mom's and Holly's work in it. They get on well pretty well, but sometimes I feel like I'm just left out again.

- (Y/N) stop thinking about it! - I heard in my head or I thought in my head? It was the voice of White. When I wanted to ask back I was pulled outside by two hands.

- Hey! - She told me with a kind smile.

- Hey White! - I smiled at her. - How are you?

- Same old, same old boring ruling. Can you imagine how boring it can be? - Yeah - It was a rhetorical question. And how was your day?

- Fine, I guess - I smiled at her - and where are the others?

- They will be here in three... Two... One... - And then a big bum was heard just enough for me to jump in White's hands. She laughed at me and put me down. I looked away embarrassed, but I stated laughing too when I saw them. Steven and Pink were laughing too, but Blue and Yellow looked like something exploded on them, but I guess that happened.

- We will clean ourselves and be right back - Yellow said rolling her eyes.

And because of this incident the dinner started half hour later. Pink and Steven are still laughing at each other because of their prank. I'm just nervous about what I'm going to say and for my bad luck: The end of the dinner came too quickly. This is going to be the biggest declaration that I did on purpose. I felt a hand on mine I didn't needed to look at it, because I felt her nails, so I knew who it was. - Good luck - I heard it in my head. I asked them for attention and stood up.

- So we gathered here today for a dinner, but I have something to say. I'm... I'm... I'm - I just can't say it like this. I felt my hand being squeezed again. - I'm going back to school. - Everyone looked shocked, but some kind of happy. Mom, Holly and Dad just looked at me proudly because they knew about this. This was easier then I thought. - I told you. - Oh White can we talk after this? - Of course - She looked anxious, maybe she knows what am I going to ask from her.

When the dinner ended we went to my old treehouse. She had never been there yet so I shown her. I think I'll move back soon, I need to be here. I love this place. I looked at my mirror still the same. Nothing changed, in the treehouse.

- So I wanted to ask - She looked more nervous - What happened to Black?

- She is on our homeworld. - She said in forced calmness

- But where is her bubble? - I asked. - I know she isn't there I saw it. - I said, remembering the time when White had shown me where it is, but I didn't saw it when I went there yesterday.

- I... Don't... Know... - She said with big pauses, but then - Itgonesomewherefewweeksagoand wedon'tknowwhereitisShegotGreenandPurplesomehowandIdidn'tknowwhattodosorry - She said fast, hoping I wouldn't understand what she is saying, but with someone like Mom who is doing the same, I knew exactly what she said.

- What? Why? Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends. - I told her angrily, but I held myself from screaming more.

- Yes, we are, but... - She started but I cut her off.

- Who else... - I told her with rage.

- What?

- Who else knows? - I asked now with some tears threatening to fall.

- Who are concerned - She tried to dodge my question, but it made me more angry at her.

- And who are concerned? - I asked

- Who are the part of the Authority - She said.

- So almost everyone knows, except me. At least Mom knew about it - Silence and then she nodded - Of course, then I hope she'll get me too, because being powerless and shattered is better then constantly lied to. Now go, before I do something that I don't want to. - I said now not holding back, my hair is already (G/C), and my eyes have the Diamonds too. - Oh and thanks for keeping something from me, that could cost my life.

- (Y/N) it was for your own good, we would never lie to you and you know that too. - She tried touching me as I made her back away to the door. I snatched her hand away.

- If that would be true then you would have told me what happened - I told her with a glare and shut the door at her.

- (Y/N) Please listen! - She tried but I just sat down and started to fall apart there.

- No just leave me alone! - I screamed and then my brutal side took control - And if you would care that much you would've just mentioned it.

- I'll have a civilized conversation with you when you calmed down. 

- Good luck with that - I told her. I was sitting there and crying until something flew through the window and landed on my bag. Yeah my bag after the argument I went home super fast,  grabbed my things and left. I'll make a new treehouse somewhere else and everything will be fine I'll be a normal kid and have a normal life, except I'll not see anyone from my family anymore. I left a "good" bye letter about how I felt and that I'll move somewhere else, yeah I'm pretty messed up right now.

(G/C)'s POV

White came back without (Y/N) and she was flustered (I think she cried too) so (Y/N) knows. Before she started telling what happened, I sneaked away and went into her/his room that was already almost empty except it held a letter. I wanted to see her/him, so I made my way to her/his treehouse, but I bet the door is closed. So I shapeshifted into a smaller form, jumped in through her/his window and landed on her/his bag. I went back to my original form and looked at her/his shocked face that was still wet from her/his tears.

- You know about this and thought never told me, everybody who know just laughed at me from the last fight for now, but no one bothered to even hint that she is free. I need time and if you try something Mom, I'll run away, broke the watching machine at Ghost world and will run away or even try to be allies with her, because she would do what she wants without any lies. - She/He let it out on me. I was deeply hurt until - Mom look, I'm not angry just disappointed in everyone, so I'll need some time on my own, but I'll go to school - I nodded, so she/he isn't angry at me that much - And one last thing, please tell White that I'll hardly forgive her, but I'm sorry for what I told her - She/He said and then I was back at the house, because she/he quickly carried me here. She/He not even gave me a chance to talk.

Everyone looked at me surprised when I told them. White looked sad, but I told them it'll happen, so don't blame me.

The first chapter! What do you think will happen next? 😁 We'll see it in the next chapter 🙃

Have a wonderful day, see you in the next chapter😁

(Y/N) Demayo going backWhere stories live. Discover now