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After the fight (Y/N)'s life changed. She/He became a little more opened about her/his feelings and tried to change her/his life.

She/He apologized to her/his father and adopted sister. They became close again.

The Diamonds got together and ruled in a new authority. Purple and Green had their own new purposes with showing White, Yellow and Blue how to do gem production with less damage on the planets. (Y/N) still visited them and she/he even helped ruling the new authority.

Ghost world is still happy like before. Pink and Steven now meet most of the time. (Y/N) And (G/C) grew closer and argue less (at the moment).

Oh and (Y/N) is guessing that (G/C) soon will no longer have her physical form again, you can guess what happened.

And Black, after White send her back to their homeworld, she gone somewhere, somehow. Her bubble was gone, she wasn't shattered, because if she would be, she would be at Ghost world. Maybe she had some allies there too.

Green and Purple knows, they say they saw her there somewhere. At first no one believed them, but when their colors started to fade, everyone could see that something happened. They asked themselves for the Diamonds to bubble them.

But (Y/N) knows nothing about this, everyone wanted to keep her/him out if this trouble. Especially because she/he helps in everything, at the moment a party's organization and in this party, she/he will tell everyone something important. She/He will go back to school when it starts in September.

No one would believe that only three months passed right?

Welcome to the second book 😁
Interesting prologue right?
See you in the next chapter if you've stayed 😋😅

(Y/N) Demayo going backTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang