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A knock sounded at the door, and Loki and I sat up, naked, from cuddling on the bed. I blushed fiercely as I scrambled to find my clothes, which were scattered around the room. I pouted at the torn shirt that Loki had ripped off of me an hour before. Loki clothed himself quickly and looked to me as I threw my armor on.
Loki cracked the door once I was decent, just enough to poke his own blushing face out at the interrupter. I didn't hear what they said, but guilt began to get in as I tapped my cheeks lightly. Thor had been demolished by the Hulk and dragged away, and I was having sex with his brother.
Loki closed the door quietly, and turned to me, an awkward look on his face. I avoided his gaze, way too embarrassed to be dealing with the situation. My fave burned and I wanted nothing more than to disappear. However, I met Loki's eyes with my own and my fear melted away at his soft smile. He walked toward me, and reached his hand up to brush my flaming cheek once close enough.
"The Grand Master has called us to see him," Loki states nervously after a moment. I nod slowly.
"We should go, then." I decided. He nodded as well, and leaned in slowly to place a kiss on my lips.
His lips were so soft.
We walked quickly to where we had been summoned, having wasted a considerable amount of time with soft kisses back in the room.
"Thor's going to find a way out of here," I spoke as we rounded a corner. I wondered how Loki knew where he was going.
"Yes, I'm sure he will." Loki said shortly, not looking at me. His long, dark hair fell beautifully over his shoulders.
"Will you go with him?" I asked, making him raise an eyebrow.
"I've been thinking it would, perhaps, be best if I stayed here, on Sakaar." Loki admitted hesitantly, making me stop in the middle of the hall. A few places ahead, he stopped and turned to me, gesturing for me to keep walking. I slowly began walking again, his confession hitting me like a on of bricks. I had just had sex with him, only for him to admit that he wanted to stay in this trash palace forever. At the same time, I understood. I had made the realization already that Loki had no where to go, or at least he thought so.
"Loki, if I know anything, it's that Thor will defeat Hela." I stated firmly, making him turn to me with a pitiful look in his eyes. As if I was naive and he didn't want to break my innocence.
We walked into a large room, where the Grand Master stood with his weird assistant. A girl stood in front of him, and I recognized her. She was the sad, drunk girl from my night out of the Grand Master's 'palace.'
Loki grabbed my hand as we approached the Grand Master, squeezing it gently.
I stood between the woman and Loki as the Grand Master began speaking. I looked over at the girl, who met my gaze for a moment before turning back to listen.
"I can have then both back in twelve hours, alive." Loki prided, making me turn my stare to him. I wondered if he was really that daft to just admit that he planned to return Hulk and Thor right in front of me.
This God is killing me. I ran a hand over my face as the woman spoke in a similar accent to Loki and Thor's.
"I can do it in two." She challenged, making us all look back to Loki, who gently put his hands up and pulled a face.
"I can do it in one." He insisted.
As we left the room, the doors shutting behind us, Loki spoke.
"What have you done?" He asked, and for a moment I thought it was directed at me.
"I don't answer to you, Lacky."
"It's Loki," The God corrected, grabbing the woman's wrist, "and you will answer to the Grand Master."
The woman pushed his arm off, causing a little scuffle until she punched Loki in the nose, sending his head flying back. I filled with anger and she let out a smug hum.
I swung by fist back and punched her square in the nose, causing her head to fly back before it snapped back. Her eyes burned into me and Loki pulled out his daggers, a light smile on his face as he pointed one at her.
"Why would you help my brother escape with that green fool?" Loki questioned, and she had her own dagger pointed as she answered.
"I don't help anyone," she taunted. I narrowed my eyes as Loki lunged at her, I watched then go back and forth with their daggers, before Loki caught the woman's arm and saw a small tattoo on her wrist. I had seen it in an Asgardian book.
"You're a Valkyrie," Loki spoke, admiration and shock evident in his eyes. He threw her dagger to the side and they were at it again.
I sighed and pulled my sword from it's sheath, the sound of metal made both Asgardians look at me. I stepped between them with my sword at my side. I looked into Loki's green eyes and quickly pushed him up against the wall, making the woman beside me chuckle. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm. As she swung at me, I disappeared, stunning her momentarily. With the element of surprise, I pushed her into the stone wall, right next to Loki who just couldn't keep his mouth shut.
"I thought the Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths," he taunted innocently, making me roll my eyes as I reappeared. The woman rolled on top of Loki, digging a knee into his chest.
"Choose your next words wisely." She threatened, and I watched as Loki taunted her and placed a hand on her forehead. They both seemed to be in a daze before coming back to. Before I could pull the Valkyrie off of Loki, she punched him in the face, hard, knocking him out.
I quickly disappeared as she turned around, looking for me. I stood right in front of her, but of course she isn't know that. I looked down at Loki's limp body and brought my fist back again, punching her in the face. It helped a little to let my anger out, but then I made myself visible again, my sword held up to her throat.
"Where's Thor?"

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