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Aryra sat in the chair in the corner of the room, her chin resting in her hand. I stood, too stunned to speak. By the way she was looking at me, I knew I hadn't accidentally cloaked myself.
"Do you feel obligated because the Grand Master gave you two rooms because he just did that to be polite before he knew that you were with him. Now it would make much more sense for you to stay with him." She rambled, making me cringe.
"How did you even get in here?" I asked, but she waved the question off, continuing to talk about how I shouldn't feel bad about leaving a vacant room. The eccentric girl was getting on my nerves when a knock sounded. She stopped babbling and looked toward the door with me.
I moved slowly. I wanted nothing more than to grab my sword or be invisible, but I stayed calm and opened the door slowly.
I felt a wave of relief hit my body. Loki stood with that gorgeous grin on his face, and he had no idea how he had just saved me from an intensely bubbly personality.
"Cain, is everything alright?" His smile dropped once he saw my expression. He leaned forward, peaking his head into the room and saw a smiling, waving, blue woman. He leaned back slowly and looked to me for confirmation.
"Uh--yes. Yes everything is alright, um, here--" I pulled Loki into the room by his arm and shut the door behind him, "--come in here. Loki you remember Aryra." I gave him a tight, grimace like grin. I hoped he would catch on that I wanted her out.
"Ah, yes," Loki held his hand out and kissed Aryra's knuckles, making me roll my eyes while she giggled and her cheeks turned purple.
"Yeah, Aryra was here talking to me, but if you needed something..." I trailed off, hoping Loki would get the hint. His green eyes bore into mine.
"Yes... Yes! Yes, I do need to speak to my Little Cain, here," he pulled me into him with his arm, "it's urgent, I'm afraid." He told Aryra, who grinned shyly.
"Oh, of course! Sorry about all that. It's been a while since I met new people." She waved her hand and began to move toward the door, "I hope I didn't cause too much trouble, but think about what I said, Cain!" She called as she left the room.
The door slammed shut and Loki and I stood silently for a moment. He was wearing loose sweatpants and a tee shirt, making me wonder what I had to do to get some sweatpants instead of nightgowns.
"Thank you," I muttered softly. Loki ran a hand through his hair.
"Of course. What was that all about?" He gestured toward the door, where Aryra had departed.
"She was in here when I got here. She started going on and on about us sharing a room." I shrugged, my face twisted slightly. He raised an eyebrow before waving.
"Odd, but not important, I'm sure. I can almost guarantee she's just trying to be your friend." He moved toward the armor laying on the bed, and grabbed the sword.
I immediately cloaked myself, moving silently from my spot. I was unsure of his intentions, but once he looked up and saw I was gone, he sighed and set the sword back down.
"I didn't mean to startle you, Cain," I let him see me again, standing right behind him. He turned quickly and we stood less than a foot apart, my face hard as stone. He sighed and reached a hand up slowly, I flinched away as he got closer to my face, but he took his time and brushed a strand of hair of hair from my face. My jaw relaxed slightly as his eyes softened.
"When will you trust that I won't hurt you, Little One?" He whispered, and for a moment I forgot how insufferable he could be. So I did what I do best, I disappeared.
He let out a sigh of frustration, running his hands over his face.
"Cain, please," he jabbed, turning in a slow circle. I stood silently, not making a sound despite not wanting to hurt his feelings, for whatever reason.
He threw his hands up and let them fall to his thighs.
"Fine," the accent mixed with hostility chilled me. He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
I sighed and rolled onto the bed, slipping out of the dress and kicking off the gladiator shoes.
"Stupid Loki and his stupid manipulating smirk," I grumbled as I settled under the covers. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

I stood at on the edge of the roof, looking down at New York. I recognized the building I stood on; Tony's precious tower. The air chilled my face. I looked over my shoulder to see Thor. I wanted to step down from the ledge and run to him, but I couldn't move. I turned forward again, looking down at the streets below. I noticed almost everyone was staring up at me. I turned to look over at Thor again, only to see hundreds of people standing on the roof with me, packed together and staring at me.
I let out a shaky breath and shut my eyes, cloaking myself. Only, when I opened my eyes, everyone was still string, watching my every move. I began to panic, trying to become invisible to the prying eyes. My bretah became labored and all I could see were everyone's eyes, but each pair was a beautiful emerald color. I took another deep breath and looked down at the people below me.
I put my foot over the edge and fell.

I jumped awake, my breathing heavy and my face covered in sweat. I let out a muffled cry of relief and fear together.
I cloaked myself and sighed with relief as I could feel myself disappear.

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now