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Loki and I landed with a thud, tangled in each other awkwardly. He cleared his throat as we both stood.
Looking around, it was impossible for me to know where we were, so I did what I do best, and cloaked myself safely.
Loki looked to his left and sighed in frustration to see I had become invisible. We were standing on dry ground, what seemed like a lot of junk surrounding us. I kicked a piece of scrap metal to the side, making Loki jump and scowl.
"Would you show yourself, for Odin's sake." He grumbled, before his face softened at the thought of his father. Despite my better judgement, I uncovered myself and smiled apologetically at the man.
His dark hair was messy, he still wore his green armor, and I wore mine.

"I have no clue where we are

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"I have no clue where we are." Loki admitted, beginning to walk toward a large building. I kept my head low as I followed him.
"Should we be stumbling into a large building completely unaware of what we're getting ourselves into?" I asked, making Loki stop, exasperated, and turn toward me.
"First of all, Cain, I am perfectly capable of handling things. Second, that's the most I've heard you speak." He spit at me, rolling his eyes as he turned back toward the building, beginning his trek again.
Before I could answer the God of Mischief, a metal pipe swung around the corner and connected with my face, making my vision go black shortly after I hit the ground. The last thing I heard was Loki shouting.

I woke up in a dark room, a large, comfortable bed beneath me. It had been a while since I laid in a real, comfortable bed. I sighed at the feeling, before realizing it wasn't my bed, nor any I knew.
I shot up, and looked down to see myself in my armor still. My sword was not in it's sheath, but leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room.
As I began to climb out of the bed, the door started opening. I cloaked myself, a natural reaction making me invisible. I stood silently next to the bed. The figure in the door crept closer to the bed, eventually stepping into a small bit of light coming through the window.
His black hair was slicked back, yet still messy and free. He wore blue, leather clothes. I made no noise, waiting to see what he would do.
Upon noticing the bed was empty, Loki whipped to see my sword still leaning against the wall. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, and I narrowed my eyes. How dare he assume I wouldn't attack him from any angle and rip his throat out with my teeth.
I rolled my eyes at my own pestering thoughts and slowly, dragged my foot across the floor. Loki eyes snapped toward the side of the room I stood on.
"You're safe, Cain. You don't have to hide." His accent and words invaded my edginess, comforting me ever so slightly.
I begrudgingly showed myself, and Loki met my blue eyes with his green ones.
"Thank you." He whispered, clearing his throat and suddenly reaching or my sword. I panicked.
By the time Loki looked up again, I had disappeared. He stood with furrowed eyebrows and a sword in his hand. My sword.
I crept up to him silently and, before he could react, twisted the sword out of his hands. As I touched it it disappeared with me.
"Woah, woah. Cain, I didn't mean to alarm you," Loki tried to reason, his hands in the air and a handsome, nervous smile stretched his face.
I showed myself, standing in front of him with the end of my blade at his throat. He gulped nervously.
"There, there. No need for that." He chuckled as I lowered the sword.
As much as Thor loved his brother, I had heard enough about Loki to know he was flakey. That he would pledge his allegiance to anyone if it kept him alive for another moment.
"I have news." He demanded, a smile on his face.

Loki explained where we were, and explained that, because I had been knocked out so brutally, and accidentally, the Grand Master took sympathy on us and Loki had cuddled up under the man's safe wing.
I scoffed at Loki as he told me, but at the same time I was relieved.
"We have to get out of here." I said, standing from the bed and going to walk out the door. I made it into the hallway before Loki caught up to me.
"Leave? What do you mean, leave?" Loki asked, falling into step with me easily. His long legs made it hard for me to keep up with him after that.
"We have to find Thor and get back to Asgard. Your sister is going to destroy your planet. Have you no empathy for your people? Your world?" I asked bluntly, turning down a random hall. Loki scoffed, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him.

is tight grip on my arm made me tense. I did not take kindly to people handling me roughly without permission.
"Listen, Cain. Asgard is prophecised to go up in flames. Nothing can stop Ragnarok, and we would be crazy to go back there and get ourselves killed," Loki explained. He moved his hands a lot when he talked. I found it irritating and yet, comforting. He cared about what he spoke about.
"Loki, Thor is out there somewhere!" I shouted, making the God shush me and look down the hall.
"I understand, but until we figure out how to contact him, there's nothing we can do." He pleaded. After a moment, I sighed. As frustrating as it was, I was on an alien planet with no knowledge of how to find my best friend.
"Alright, fine," I caved, and Loki grinned and clapped his hands together excitedly.
"Alright then, Little Cain, it's just you and I now."

Invisible || Thor: RAGNAROK ||Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now