Date Night

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"I'll pick you up at 7."

"Yeah. Great."

"Y/N are you okay? You sound unsure." You switched your phone to the right side and sighed.

"No no it's not that I'm just nervous is all."

"Don't be nervous beautiful it's just me." He laughed and you rolled your eyes. Blushing at the fact he had called you beautiful.

"Yeah that's just it Mena. It's you."

"You're cute when your nervous."

"You can't even see me."

"Yeah but I'm still right either way."

"You're making me blush."

"Then I must be doing something right."

You two talked more until you saw the time. You told him you would see him later and hung up. It was only 3 but you knew you'd need that time. You went to your bedroom and opened the closet door. Pursing out your lips and going through your dresses. Finding a cute white short dress and blue jean jacket. Laying them out on the bed. Going back to the kitchen to grab your phone and back. Once you got in the bathroom you turned on some music and turned on the shower.

You sang along to the song playing as you took out the blowdryer. Then heard a knock on the door.

Knock. Knock.

"Y/N." By the voice you knew exactly who it was.

"Nay what are you doing here? I gave you that key for emergencies." You opened the door and she just smiled.

"Sweetie I just want to make sure you're good ans I wanted to help you get ready."

"Mhmm sure. Well since you're here once I'm done can you straighten my hair?"

"Of course. By the way you were in the shower forever."

"Shut up Nay!"

You finished your hair and changed into your bra and panties before walking out. To put on your dress and plugged up your flat iron in the bathroom. Naomi came back with a glass of juice and took a drink before setting it on your dresser.

"So where's Mena taking you tonight?"

"A vegan restaurant. I really can't remember which one. And before you ask yes we did spend an hour on the phone today."

"Ooooooooo. I knew you two would be all mushy before even going on a first date. He told me y'all have been doing that since I introduced you both a week ago."

"I hope it works out. He's really sweet."

"Yeah me too. You two would be perfect togther." 


Ding Dong

"Okay. Just breathe Y/N." You told yourself and opened the door.

"Wow Y/N you look beautiful tonight. Not that you don't always....I brought this for you. A rose. I know they're your favorite."

"Thanks Mena. You look handsome as always. Shall we?"


You held your rose in one hand and locked the door. Mena walked you to the car amd opened your door for you. Once he got in he started the car and drove.

"So Nay stopped by to wish me luck tonight. She did help me with my hair too. Does it look okay?"

"Yes yes I didn't lie when I said you look beautiful. I meant your hair too." He smiled and took your hand and kissed the back of it.

"Where are we going again?"

"I had plans to go to this amazing restaurant bur I got a better idea after I got off the phone with you. Feel like going to a carnival?"

"My type of date." You smiled back.


"Yeah no I was just so scared that one of my sisters friends had to hold me hand. I have a fear of heights so it being my first roller coaster I waz terrified."

"I would have definitely held your hand. Speaking of which do you mind if I-"

"Not at all."

He intertwined your fingers together and swung them back and forth for a minute. While you held your bear and rose on your left.

"You know I haven't had this much fun a date in a long long time. I'm glad we could do this together. I hope we can do more like this in the future."

"I agree Massoud. I really enjoy spending time with you. Today I just felt like a kid again and I thank you for that."

"You're welcome. Anything for my beautiful princess."

"My princess?"

"Yeah I know it sounds cheesy-"

"No I don't mind it."

"Hey can I ask you something Y/N?" He stopped and turned you to face him.


"Can I kiss you?"

"You wanna kiss me?"

"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it."

"Yeah." You breathed out and he let his left hand fo to your cheek. Tilting his head the opposite yours and placed his soft lips on yours. You let a small moan and pulled back eyes wide.

"You okay?" He showed off his dimple making you weaker in the knees.

"Yeah no I'm great. How are you?"

"More than okay." He leaned in again and kissed you deeper than before. Thankfully you were no where near children.

"Uhm we shohld stop Mena."

"Yeah I think you're right. Get you home?"


The car ride wasn't awkward and he held your hand the whole time. Neither on of you said anything just the music played. Once he pulled up to your house he got out and opened your door again. Walking you to the door.

"I had a wonderful time tonight. Again."

"Me too. Next time we'll go to a nice restaurant."

"Whatever we do I'm okay with. It's just nice to know there will be another time."

"Of course love. I'm gonna go home get changed and call you."

"I'll be waiting in bed."

"Oh to be in that bed with you. Cuddling!" He said eyes wide as he realized what he had said.

"It's okay Mena. Maybe the fourth date I'll invite you in."

"Good plan." He put his arms around your waist and kissed you.

"Have a good night. I'll call you in about an hour."

"Have a good night Mena." He kissed you quick and left. You unlocked your door and locked it. Going to your bedroom and setting your bear and rose on the bed. Changing into shorts and a tank top. Sending Naomi a quick text and waited. Sure enough an hour later Mena called and you both ended up falling asleep on the phone.

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