Love Me Or Leave Me

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Lately things between you and Mena have been off. He was always away filming for projects he had leaving minimal space for you. You knew what you would be getting yourself into when he started Aladdin. All the late nights and early mornings. So you eventually got used to not seeing him at night before bed and in the morning because he would already be out the door. Now it was just getting to be too much for you. You didn't know just how but you had to end this. For your sake and his. Just didn't know how to.

Much to your dismay you started packing up your things little by little over the week. Mena noticed but didn't say anything. Until he couldn't take it anymore and needed to know why. You couldn't either and needed to get it off your chest.

We need to talk when you get home Mena.

Yeah we do.

You frowned as you packed your clothes while crying. You didn't realize just how real this would be in just a couple of hours.

It was now 9 and you heard the door open and Mena give you a sad smile.


"Hey." He set his keys in the bowel next to the door and went to join you on the couch.

"Why didn't you just tell me something was wrong with us?" He spoke after a long silence.

"I was scared and I know packing up before I even told you or talked about anything is a bitch move but I just couldn't do it. I love you Mena but I can't do this anymore. As much I really really want to try."

"I can't make you stay and be in this relationship if you don't want to. If this is what you need to do then do it."

"All I ever wanted was to marry you and have your kids someday." You say crying as Mena did the same. Although he was really trying to keep it together.

"That's all I ever wanted. I love you so much Y/N I know this isn't going to make things any better for you. For us but I did plan on proposing to you in the coming week."

"Mena." The tears went streaming down and so did his as he took your hand and kissed the back.

"Yeah but I'm not going to make you stay. If time is what you need I'm going to grant that. No matter how long it takes I know your heart will lead you back to me. Just as mine will yours. You're my everything Y/N."

"Damn it. I hate this so much."

"Believe me I do too. I'm going to miss the hell out of you."

"I should probably give this back then." Your hands went to your neck to the necklace around your neck.

"No. I want you to keep it."

You held a sad smile and hugged him tight.

"My dad will be here with his truck tomorrow at noon. I'll sleep in here on the couch."

"Be with me. Please. One last night. If I can't have you anymore after tonight I'd rather spend our last hours together." You pulled back and looked him in his now puffy red eyes. In which you knew only matched yours.

"It's going to hurt a lot more." You sniffled but still had your arms around his neck and his on your hips.

"I know but I need it."

Trying to make the best of the few hours you had left you two watched a movie. Neither of you could eat and by midnight you were both in bed. Holding each other.

"Y/N." Mena whispered in the dark room. You moved your head from his chest

"Yeah?" He didn't say anything he just put a finger under your chin and placed his lips on yours. You could feel your tears coming back. Knowing this would be last time you felt his lips on yours. The ones you've become so used to and loved the taste of. It only got deeper. Before anything more could happen you pushed him back.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"Just hold me please."



"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry." He holds you tight and kisses your forehead.

"Don't be. I love you Mena and I will never stop."

"I love you Y/N more than anything. I'll never stop."

The next morning you woke up and Mena was gone. Leaving you a letter which you would read later. You tried your hardest not to cry as you got the last of your things. Once your dad had got there him and your brother helped get things into the back of the truck. Once they got the last of it you locked the door and placed the key under a plant. Texting Mena and telling him where the key could be found. He immediately texted back but you would look at it later. A tear fell down your cheek as you looked at your now old home.

"It'll be alright sis." Your brother held you and kissed your head. You nodded and calmed yourself before pulling back. He got in the truck with your dad and you got in your car. Backing out of the driveway. The house only getting further and further away as you drove.

Mena Massoud ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon