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You are expecting.

You're 3 weeks along.

The doctors words just kept playing over in your head. On the way home you stopped at the drugstore and purchased two pregnancy test.

"Oh come on Y/N the doctor himself told you so why even bother?" You talked to yourself out loud. You sighed and went to bathroom and took all three. Sure enough they all were positive. Your fingers went through your hair as you thought about your boyfriend. Thinking about how his career was taking off now with Aladdin. And his new projects he is working on. You sighed heavily and stood up. Lifting your shirt and placing your hand on your belly.

"What will your daddy think?"

"Y/N! I'm home!" You heard him and knocked down all three tests on the floor.

"Just a minute!" You picked them up and and threw them in the trash bin. Throwing some tissue on them to hide. You washed your hands and walked out. Going to the kitchen.

"Hey babe." You say putting on a smile.

"Hey cutie cutie. How was your day?"

"I can promise it wasn't as productive as yours. I didn't do much just straightened up a bit. Laid around."

"Well why don't I go shower and we can watch a movie together. How's that sound?"

"Yeah that sounds nice."

You sat on the couch fiddling with your fingers as you waited for him. Turning on the tv and watching an episode of Friends. Thinking of ways to tell him he was going to be a dad.

"Oh god why is this so hard?" You sigh in frustration letting your hands cover your face. You heard him coming and changed it to the guide in search of a movie.

"What are you thinking? Comedy? Action? Romance? Indie? Horror?"

"Whatever looks good to you."

"Well I do enjoy the comedy but the horror makes you cuddle up to me even more." He says with a smirk and takes a seat next to you.

"Let's save the horror I wann watch a comdey."

"Then why even ask me silly."

"I knee what you'd say." You stuck out your tongue and put a movie on and snuggled into his side. As the movie played you barely paid attention thinking about the baby. Sighing out loud as you felt Mena move.

"Okay what's up babe? You seem distracted." You sat up and looked at him taking his hand.

"I didn't want to tell you this way but if I don't do this now I'm not going to be able to sleep."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant Mena. 3 weeks. I wasn't feeling to well so I went to the doctor and that was the result." By this time Mena had let go of your hand and just strared. For 5 minutes he didn't say anything.

"Mena? Say something please."

"No. No Y/N you can't be pregnant. This can't be happening."

"What the hell Mena? What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is we are not ready for a baby. I'm not ready to be a dad! You're not ready to be a mom!"  Now he was up and pacing around his fingers going through his hair.

"Excuse me!"

"You heard me. Honestly think about it. I'm an actor and would never be able to a good dad being away. Let's face it it's not our time."

"I am 3 weeks pregnant and I am not doing any harm to our baby! I am going to have him or her with or without your help!" You slipped on your flats and grabbed your purse and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going!"

"Somewhere away from you. Before I do something I'm going to regret." You slamed the doot behind you and walked to the car. He didn't even try and come after you. You sighed and started the car and pulled out of the driveway going to your best friends house.

Mena's P.O.V

I shut off the tv and went to the bedroom after Y/N had left. A baby. A baby! It's not that I don't want to start a family with her it's just this was all too much to take. I just knew that if she didn't come home soon I would be in for a very sleepless night. I sat at the edge of the bed and put my elbows on my knees and hands on my face.

"Damn it Mena. Why do you have to be so stupid."

Your P.O.V

It was 11 when you got back home. You turned off the engine and opened the car door. Going to unlock the front door. Once inside you put your coat on the couch and went to the bedroom.

"Y/N." Mena whispered when he saw you. He looked like he had been crying.

"Yeah. Don't worry I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."

"No you won't do such a thing. Please come sit." He patted the space beside him and looked you in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know that you have to be just as scared as me but that didn't give me the right to say those things."

"Of course I'm scared Mena! Fucking terrified! I know that we talked about having kids in the future and not this soon but it's not like we did this on purpose."

"Look. I love you with everything in me and I am going to be here for you and our kid. We'll find a way through this. Together."

"That's all I wanted. I know we're not ready for this in all honesty. But we have our families that will help us. We don't have to do this alone. We can figure all of this out. Mena I love you and I have faith that you'll be a great dad."

"You're right about everything. You are going to be a great mom I know it. I love you so much and I can't wait to start that new chapter with you. I do wish we were married before kids but it's okay with me if it is with you."

"Well we don't really have a choice now." You laughed and Mena kissed your forehead and then your lips. His hand went to your belly that he was now eye level with.

"I love you peanut and I will be there for you every step of the way. Daddy loves you already."

"And Mommy."

"We both do." He placed a kiss where his hand was and got back on the bed.

"Anything I can get you?"

"No. Just cuddle and watch a movie with me. Maybe some icr cream too."

"Okay mommy." He laughs and kisses you before going down to get your ice cream.

Mena Massoud ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now