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"Y/N she's absolutely beautiful." Naomi said while holding your newborn baby girl. Only a day old. 

"Thank you Nay."

"How's Mena?"

"As overprotective as any dad would be with a newborn. His parents were here last night and he wouldn't let anyone hold her unless they were sitting down." The door opened and the man in speaking came in.

"Hey babe. Hey Nay."

"Hey Meens. I was just telling Y/N that you two made a beautiful baby girl."

"Thanks. She is pretty perfect to me. Where's Jordan?"

"He couldn't make it but he said congratulations."

"Tell him thanks. Do you mind if I take my girl from you?"

"Not at all." He sat beside her and she moved the baby to him. He kissed her forehead and she yawned. She looked adorable when she did.

"I'm actually going to head out. I'll see you guys tomorrow." She gave Mena a side hug and you sat up to hug her.

"Alright. Have a good night Nay."

"You too love. Bye cutie." She left and it was just you, Mena, and your baby girl.

"She is perfect isn't she?" Mena asks looking at you.

"Just like her mom."

"She's part you too. You realize you've been saying the same thing since yesterday right?"

"Yeah because it's true."

"Are you nervous about going home?"

"I'm somewhere in the middle." He said as he laid her down in her baby bed by your side.

"What's that mean?"

"Well we're here at the hospital and have everything we need. If we need anything we just have to get a nurse. Then on the other hand she came sleep in her crib and we can get you into the bed. Couch isn't doing much for me either."

"Yeah I understand that."

"Can't believe we really get to go home tomorrow. I don't want this to sound rude but I think it being just us for a while and a few visits from parents will be enough."

"Friends will understand I'm sure. We're beginning this whole new chapter with a baby. We need some more time to grasp this."

~ Home ~

"Are you okay babe?"

"Mena I'm fine just a little pain but manageable. Where's the baby?"

"She's still in her carseat in front on the couch."

"Hey is it too much to ask to take my shower first?"

"No no you go ahead babe. I'm going to try and get her out without waking her."

"Good luck with that babe." You walked to the room slowly. Gradually getting there and into the bathroom and turning on the water.

After some time you got out and got into a pair of shorts and a t shirt. Going into the nursery to see him in the rocking chair by her crib.

"Babe you alright? You were in there for like 30 minutes." He asked as you went and sat in his lap.

"Yeah it just felt great to take a nice hot shower. You're next."

"That bad huh?" You hit his chest and kissed him.

"Just go. I know you don't want to leave her but you have to shower." You got up and leaned over the rail. You felt a kiss on your cheek and footsteps going away. You found yourself sitting in the chair watching through the bars as she slept. Feeling yourself drift off as you did.

You woke up 4 hours later in your bed but no Mena. You were about to call out for him but knew exactly where he was.

"Mena? It's good to sleep while she's asleep babe. Come back to bed."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I had a nightmare. I love you and I know you're just being a loving wife and mother but I can't talk about it. I'll just get more worried and scared."

"Hey. Hey it's okay baby you don't have to until you're ready okay?"


"Would it make you feel better if we moved her crib into our room?"

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all. You want to get her or should I?"

"I'll take her." He stood up from the chair and reached in to grab her. She started to cry for about 1 minute then calmed down as he rocked her.

"Shhhh it's okay daddy's got you." He walked away and you unlocked the wheels and rolled it out and into the bedroom. To see Mena on the bed and your baby girl awake.

"So much for getting a good nights sleep." You chuckled and set the crib in the corner close to his side.

"You go get some sleep Y/N we'll be fine."

"I'm okay Mena. Hi princess." You laid your head on his shoulder and he kissed your forehead. She had stayed awake for an hour then back to sleep she went. After Mena had put her back he walked back to the bed getting under the covers. Wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I feel a lot better with her in here with us."

"I'm glad babe. Let's try and get some sleep though. No telling when she'll be up next." You mumbled half asleep yourself.

"Good idea." He said while letting out a yawn.

"Goodnight daddy."

"Goodnight mommy."

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