Day 5 Chapter!

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Claire and Penelope wake up, and know the games are soon coming to an end. They don't say much as they know if they make it father they'll have to split up. They pack up their things and head off to hunt.

After what seemed like a long while, they finally spot a small deer ahead. Claire motions to Penelope to be quiet. She aims her bow, and takes a deep breath not wanting to miss. She slowly lets the arrow fly, and watches to see it killed the deer instantly.

They both smile in satisfaction before carrying the deer back to camp.

Once they arrive they make a small fire not wanting to attract attention and eat bits of the deer wanting to save some, and have the rest of their water in the canteen.

They head up to the small stream nearby and refill their canteen as much as possible, and then decide on checking and resetting the traps around camp.

Out of the 4 traps 3 have gone off, but only one contains a small squirrel. Slightly disappointed they reset the 3 and bring the squirrel back to camp hiding it. They have enough food until tomorrow night, so they decide on looking for an easy kill in the forests, since they have two camps set up.

Ella and Shay woke up not to long after both Claire and Penelope did. Them too are also quite knowing the games will have their victor soon. They head straight to the small stream and Ella catches some fish, while they're there they refill on water, gulping down some also.

Cooking 2 out of the 4 fish, they eat in silence and save the two others for later during the day. They pack up what supplies they have and walk off in towards the middle of the jungle, which so happens to be the same direction where Claire and Penelope are headed.

Hailey woke up, happy to see the mutation is gone. She leaves the platform with her supplies in search of better food and some water. Once she reaches a small creek, she fills up her canteen and manages to catch a fish with her axe.

Happy, she makes a small fire with the matches and cooks the fish quickly and puts the fire out. She eats the fish, and then packs up her things also heading deeper in the forests.

Kaitlyn just so happens to be the only tribute in the middle of the forests, unaware of the danger about to come.

She drinks the last few drops of water from her canteen and slowly packs up the supplies, still upset about her ally's death. Just when she was about to head off, she hears a branch snap and leaves crunching getting closer and closer.

Confused and scared she doesn't move.

Claire and Penelope are the ones hearing Kaitlyn with high alert. Penelope points to Claire where Kaitlyn was standing with her back towards them. Claire nods showing Penelope to finish her off, while she stands back.

Penelope slowly creeps towards her and readies her axe. She pulls her arm back and just when she's throwing it, Kaitlyn turns around with a shocked expression. Not reacting quick enough, the axe lodges itself into Kaitlyn's chest.

Kaitlyn lets out a sharp gasp of pain and stumbles back with tears in her eyes. Her breaths come out fast and quick pace, but start to slow down. She stumbles again, but catches her balance. Then her eyes roll back and she falls down lifeless, which the sound of a cannon going off at the same time she hits the ground.

Ella and Shay hear it and know tributes are around they start to pick up their pace and see Penelope turning to walk back into trees and bushes, then see Kaitlyn lying on the ground lifeless.

They were never a group to kill tributes, but they need to try and win so Shay nods to Ella signalling she'll do the honours. Ella stays back and watches.

Claire was looking around to see if anyone had shown up, but doesn't see anyone.. She turns to look back and sees Shay running up behind Penelope. Not having her weapon ready she does the first thing come to mind. "Penelope watch out!" She shouts.

Penelope turns around, just in time to see Shay aiming her bow and shooting the arrow. She ducks just in time and launches herself at Shay. Shay doges the blow and shoots her bow again, only this time faster.

Penelope was recovering from her attack when and arrow pieced her in the stomach, making her fall back a bit and drop her axe. Claire lets out a small cry, but muffles it as she don't know where she is. Shay walks over to Penelope and rips the arrow out, making Penelope cry out in pain.

Hailey heard this cry and is now running towards that direction. She hide behind a tree and sees Kaitlyn's dead body, Penelope's injured body and Shay. The two she doesn't see are Ella and Claire.

She gets her sword ready, and sees that Shay is about to plunge the arrow into her heart. She throws her sword with a powerful force and sees it hit Shay in the neck just before she plunged the arrow into Penelope.

Ella closed her eyes not believing what happened.

Shays arrow falls to the ground, and the so does she followed by a cannon. Ella lets out a small cry, before taking off not wanting to watch anymore people die. Hailey also takes off knowing the other tributes are around and she would be an easy target without a weapon.

For Claire, she rushes over to Penelope with tears streaming down her face. "You're gonna be alright, you'll be okay." She kept repeating to Penelope. She's only 14 and didn't need this, you could've helped her is what you kept thinking.

"Claire.." You look and see Penelope wanting to say something, you slow you sobs and listen. "You can do this, clover saved me wanting me to win, but now it's you who has to win! This wasn't your fault, I believe in you."

She nodded and cried, hearing the cannon go off. Claire stayed there by her side for a while not being able to bring herself to leave her. Finally after what seemed like forever she got to her feet picking up all the weapons the tributes had lost and putting them in her backpack, besides her bow and a throwing knife in her left boot.

Claire gave her a kiss on the forehead and did the three finger salut before walking off with so much determination it was scary.

Ella made it back to camp, and didn't know what to do. She hide the supplies she had left around camp and went to sleep, not wanting the games to continue.

Hailey, knew she was even more of a target now snide she had no weapons and only a few supplies left, but she made it to camp and drank a but of water and ate some roots before letting darkness consume her.

Claire made it to the other side of the forest where her camp was, she spent hours setting up traps for tributes and animals, before finally settling down, but not after watching the anthem.

You seen Kaitlyn from district 11 come up, followed by Shay from 6. Then lastly Penelope your ally from 8. You felt the guilt and sadness come back, she wasn't just your ally, but she was your friend and you're gonna do everything you can to win these games for her.

Claire soon fell asleep, but throughout the whole night she kept tossing and turning having nightmares about Penelope's death.



Shay: District 6

Penelope: District 8

Kaitlyn: District 11

So, were down to our 3 last tributes! I just want to thank everyone that has participated so far, and that you all were really good writers and it was hard for me sometimes to let your character die. Continue reading to find out who the victor is.

Happy Hunger Games and May The Odds be Ever in Your Favour!

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