Let The Hunger Games Begin

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District 1: As you're entering your tube all you could think about is that this is what you've been waiting for. You know you didn't volunteer for nothing and you can't wait until you get into the arena. Being the daughter of an Ex-Victor makes your feel more confident then you already are. You have an alliance and skill and know that you have a chance at winning these games, but you also know the other tributes want it just as much as you do.

District 2: As you enter your tube, you put on your brave and tough face showing no fear, but In reality your wishing you never volunteered. Yet, it's comforting knowing you trained for this meaning you have more experience. You're glad you have a trustworthy allie and hope you survive the bloodbath to come.

District 3: As your tube lifts you up, you fell nervous. You focus on getting to the cornucopia and getting the stuff you need. You start to feel a bit more confident knowing you're the only male tribute meaning you're naturally stronger. You're grateful for your advantage and happy that you have an alliance.

District 4: You're trembling as your tube lifts you up, you're shaking and wanting to wake up from this nightmare to come. You knew you should've never volunteered. You know you have a chance of dying, but you also know that you have a chance at winning.

District 5: As you enter your tube, you feel slightly confident. You're happy that it's you and not Lainy Miggin who's entering the games. Besides your confidence your scared and don't know what you'll do in the games. You think about your alliance and relax a bit knowing you have trustworthy partners helping you.

District 6: You're scared and shaking as you enter your tube. Your stylist gives you a nod knowing that you'll be fine. You relax a bit, but can't help but wonder if you'll ever return. You know you have an alliance, but you're scared they'll turn on you. You clear your thoughts getting ready for the start of these games.

District 7: You're terrified, you know that you have no alliance, which will attract tributes your way, but you also feel good. You know, that you saved your brothers life, but your not sure if you'll be able to save yours. As your tube lifts up, all your emotions fade away, it's now or never was your last thought.

District 8: You feel determined as you enter the tube. You were scared at the reaping but now, it's like your whole attitude changed towards the games. No one knows why, but it's like you know you'll do good in the games. You give one last nod towards your stylist before being lifted up into the games.

District 9: As you slowly walk into your tube you out on a brave face, but you can't fool anyone. You know your nervous. All you can think about is 'what if I don't make it through the bloodbath?' You cleared those thoughts knowing you had to have a straight head. You took deep breaths and prepared yourself for what was to come.

District 10: You walk into the tube feeling like you don't belong here. You never liked the games and this is the scariest moment of your life. You're panicking and don't know what to do, but having some alliance members calms you down a bit. It's then when you realize you're being lifted into the games.

District 11: You feel really confident compared to the other tributes, you know that you could die, but you also know that you have a good chance of surviving. It's comforting knowing you were the one to get the highest score and you're happy to have a good alliance with you. You're ready for whatever has to come.

District 12: You're one of the more nervous tributes. Being from 12 they're aren't many winners, which knowing doesn't help your nerves. You think you have a slim chance, but you know that you could easily out smart some people. You have an alliance which comforts you and you know a lot of sponsors are already asking to sponsor you.


The task will be in the next chapter.

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